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Everything posted by GhastlyKerbal

  1. @Galileo Kopernicus has fixed the issue with the update he just released, anyway just wanted to say thank you for looking into it.
  2. https://nofile.io/f/MZAWEOxsSM1/output_log.txtWhile in orbit around minmus picking a landing target does not display coordinates and only focuses on minmus. As far as I can tell, minmus is the only planet/moon affected. Disabling OPM/Kopernicus fixes this but its one of my favorite mods and I'd rather not play without it if possible. Below are two screenshots, one showing the mod working without OPM and Kopernicus, the other showing that you cant see or select coordinates with OPM and Kopernicus installed. https://nofile.io/f/MZAWEOxsSM1/output_log.txt I've noticed you've been messing around with minmus in your updates and I believe one of them may have caused this.With OPM and Kopernicus Without OPM and Kopernicus
  3. @Galileo Uninstalling OPM fixes it enabling me to select the landing coordinates correctly so I'm fairly certain there's some sort of bug or something going on between Mechjeb and OPM. I've done as you suggested and uninstalled everything but the two of them and the problem remains. I've updated the log. https://nofile.io/f/MZAWEOxsSM1/output_log.txt
  4. While in orbit around minmus picking a landing target does not display coordinates and only focuses on minmus. As far as I can tell, minmus is the only planet/moon affected. Disabling OPM fixes this but its one of my favorite mods and I'd rather not play without it if possible. Below are two screenshots, one showing the mod working without OPM, the other showing that you cant see or select coordinates with OPM installed. https://nofile.io/f/MZAWEOxsSM1/output_log.txt https://nofile.io/f/KDOQSucmm4E/KSP.log
  5. Hi, I know mechjeb isnt your project but I'm hoping you can help as this mod seems to break mechjebs landing guidance on minmus. While in orbit around minmus picking a landing target does not display coordinates and only focuses on minmus. As far as I can tell, minmus is the only planet/moon affected. This link https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/issues/996 will take you to the bug report I've given mechjebs creator. https://nofile.io/f/KDOQSucmm4E/KSP.log https://nofile.io/f/MZAWEOxsSM1/output_log.txt With OPM Without OPM
  6. Hello, I've recently wanted to start playing KSP again with all my favorite mods but many of them are only hosted on spacedock. This a is a problem because for me the website has been down for over a week now leaving me unable to install them. Is there any way you could upload the mod to another website so that I may download it? Thanks. Also if any users here wouldn't mind doing the same I would be eternally grateful !
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