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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. I use my ReverseTimeWarpContinued to stop your probe in its tracks. DO NOT DISRUPT THE PEACE ON PLANET HIIIILLLL!
  2. *Eeloo Even though both appear in the TS, some people hate them and think they don't exist
  3. I noticed on this Daily Kerbal thread, it says StarMods, not JoolTube.

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  4. Hi Uhhhh. Umm. Err.r......rr.... @Ultimate Steve.... maybe? I dunno.
  5. I fix the damage done to cirumplanetary shield. Still our hill.
  6. Yep! Uhhh.... Ummmm.... Err..... @CatastrophicFailure
  7. Oh, and now I'll blame you for fixing the bugs I like and not fixing the bugs I don't. I don't think you've realized how much blame you're going to get!
  8. So I've noticed that stock tutorials are overlooked by users who have access to the Internet. I like stock better, because they're step-by step, overlooked and, only the best Kerbals guide you. And @barongan brought something to my attention. This isn't just a poll, it's supposed to be a place where we can come together, learn how we became the pros we are, and just overall be a nice place (not a chat thread).
  9. But, how do we know that these so-called "other species" even want to leave, or even think, or are humanoid? That's why I hate Star Trek.
  10. 10K Mega Charizard Xs? Yeah... May I join you? You'll have 10,000 apprentice Engineers.
  11. 5/10 See you sometimes on the Forums.
  12. 5/10 military plane flying to space. I don't like military, but space is cool.
  13. Noice. Will they need some ice?
  14. I love doing backstory and non-KSP shots. I could help there.
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