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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. development of Void Five is bad. During a failed sim, I realized that ksp had pulled smthin funny and disallowed reverting. So I had to open the debug menu, take away more funds, science, and rep than I needed because it isnt precise enough to revert the world firsts, then terminated the vessel, made a quicksave called RESET THE WORLD and manually opened the sfs and got Val back. The Pug sucks. Can't wait for Terriers.
  2. By the way, I didn't notice but Void Four, a.k.a. Baby actually reached the VAB limit of 30. (and weighed 17.599 tons! I need to upgrade fast if that's goin on...) Dodged an engineering bullet there. I also came to give you the spectacle that is Baby farting its way into space. I'm counting this as a "simulation". Simulation begin. Rocket: Void "Baby" Four User: jeb Baby has indigestion! Current sim speed: very fast This should be my flag. I think this is the new flag of the Void series. Nice. special thanks to linuxgurugamer, who made (ish) and maintains KW Rocketry Rebalanced, which contains the Globe I.
  3. In my years of playing KSP, I dont thing I have ever played a full game of post-0.90 Career mode. SO I DECIDED TO FIX THAT! HAHA! I also have a self imposed rule that all flights that are not immediately reverted are simulations- as in, I cannot quickload or revert during "real" flights. THAT MEANS IM GOOD RIGHT??? Otherwise, it's just Normal mode. I did not have plans to make this until I realised this was my first time. So there are no screenshots of the obligatory Jumping Flea replica and my test flights, in the Void series. The unsuccessful tests of Void "Baby" 1-3 do not have screenshots. But Void "Baby" Four DOES!!! Test simulation of Void Four this concludes the first and second flights. I am very very excited to do moar.
  4. mega absolutely stupidly annyoing imgur issues :(

    1. VoidCosmos


      Kimgur you say?

  5. no?????????? Lol?????????? Probably just special asteroids????????????? If you want a celestial body learn Kopernicus smh. Ur a cute lil kspnerd. anyway, after reading, these will clearly be new scenarios. HIP TRIAN!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEET MYSELF INTO the SUN YEAAAH aight! I don’t play console but ur my friend so good for you!! (Personal opinion the Shrimp is the best thing to be added to KSP ever)
  6. You clearly have never used NERVs or ions my inexperienced child. nice mindset. Good job avoiding the burns tho. well I’ll be... contract or forum/reddit post. If it was a contract, I wouldn’t consider it, being a *retrograde solar orbit* and tell <agency> to build their own rocket thank you very much.
  7. very nice. Will keep an eye out for particularly good threads.
  8. that was eliminated due to process of elimination. HAHAHAHHA the building is developing fonts
  9. minor imgur complications. However, on the upside, i am writing this on my computer!!YEet

  10. delta v... Delta v....

    got some things that consume delta v here....

    moho insertion burn

    eve escape burn

    interstellar burn

    alternis tylo...

  11. ~34 mins. Nukes SUCK. It’s so worth it tho. I’ve never really used ions, so I’ve never done more than one pe kick. Also, this was before I knew how to phys warp outside of the atmosphere, so I just had youtube open on my phone and was browsing my subscriptions while keeping an eye on the bar. JEEEEZ EDIT: oh yeah, by the way, I had a stupid laggy computer and 3 real seconds passed every Kerbal second! I can’t be bothered to do the math but *JEEZ* the fricK That is faaaarr from worth it. I mean... congrats, five days, but no. the world of ion engines
  12. remember to start a building jeez the building is made of concrete butt...
  13. I have an idea for a short story about a probe at Moho. It’s called Sunbaked. It’s kinda sad. Out soon.

    1. adsii1970


      Looking forward to reading it! 

    2. HansonKerman


      it’s coming together in my head nicely. Now to take some pictures, write it and get a new imgur account bc I forgot the password to the old one

  14. full of magma. the building is a Nintendo building
  15. do not necro the Magic Boulder nooo! Out of likes / edit: nope fixed or the bark onslaught will ensue (still outa likes)
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