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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. remember that time I died 

    yeah that’s not happening yet

    still have the will to live (on this forum) <3 i love everyone here <3 :)

  2. haha I made this tread obsolete yay
  3. And Bill is stranded1 Sen hal
  4. trackpad people unite. if you type “ker” and hold Q, E, and “ at the same time, within 10 seconds of each other, on the space center menu in Career, you gain 973792 funds and get 3 Kerbals for free
  5. Thinking about if a Saturn V could reach Minmus and remembering that Minmus doesn’t exsist
  6. crumble crater begins crumbling
  7. they forgot to _____, so I decided to _____
  8. 5219: A poster is on the wall, it says NOTE please do NOT post twice in a row. Thank you.
  9. gold peaches have been disallowed. @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) should look into this
  10. I see you have no problem with memory space. pretty inviting to be named after giygas
  11. found some from 4009. Apparently the discovery of alternate universes accelerated memes. i know one, it’s “when you fall into 8,?87,;6 dimension”
  12. the new page didn’t fix it. I don’t think so tho. the frick? I’m leaving
  13. yeah... anyway, 34 -!!! Now we get past the intro, and to the Giygas part...
  14. forum bugs. Last valid was 35 - so 34 -. Also, found some gold. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZZnAdTX3nk
  15. after my dlc business is all done, thinking bout changing my pfp. Still gonna be a Kerbal in an MH suit, still gonna name it Hanson for no reason lol, just something different, cooler maybe

    and less ocd inducing. Those two stars are easy to miss but hard to get rid of. Plus that shot is boring. 

    1. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      Maybe Hanson on Dres?

    2. HansonKerman


      ooo! Sounds nice! Now thinking about what. How about Hanson on the rim of the canyon in front of a Dres lander

  16. calling 911 to ask for 911’s number frick....
  17. greetings from Klamperture Science let’s get @VoidCosmos in here, join the fun
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