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HFer Kerman

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  1. Gosh this is a marvelous mod! Been looking for something like this for a long time I think you can add a feature about KIS and KAS that healthy kerbals have a larger interaction range while unhealthy ones’ are smaller
  2. This is awesome! I've been looking for a cubesat mod for a long time But IMHO there should be a command core with integrated SAS otherwise there's not much can be done with a 2U cubesat (or racksat?) Also are there any planned part list? Looking foward to future updates!
  3. Maybe you can add a separate Cubesat Assembly Building which allows further zooming in and a Scrapyard dependency to put it together with the rocket. (I suppose I'm getting things too complicated)
  4. I accepted a contract recently, it requires to do some experiments, but I can't find the corresponding parts and operations. What mod does the contract belong to???? It says:"Research Materials Exposure Space Study at Kerbin: Transport experiment to Kerbin, Satisfy all experiment conditions (check experiment for detail), Complete experiment, land or splash completed experiment in Kerbin
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