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Everything posted by Slysix

  1. Don't know if anyone has ran into this. But every time I engage autopilot (any mode) the thrust limiter on my Raipers go to zero. I've tested on different engine craft and only the Rapiers seem to zero the thrust limiter. If I change pitch, the thrust limit seem to go up momentarily but as soon as I reach steady fight where my pitch is no longer changing the limit goes back to zero.
  2. You only need one High level probe part on the craft oriented in any direction and another part that you can control from (ie: docking port junior, claw,cockpit, chair,QBE) pointing straight up. Control from that secondary point and SAS radial out when in 'surface mode' will try try to keep your craft straight and level. I use this as my stock no mod auto pilot even on fixed wing craft. I like using docking ports so I have a attachment point if I want to lift things with a crane.
  3. Sigh....I figured it out...I used lifting surfaces as structural members to place the rotors (quad rotor configuration that converted into a fixed wing)...the faster I moved, the more they generated lift. The weird thing was the lift they generated forced the craft to go into a steady hover orientation. So every time I let go of the controls the darn thing would go into a hover. Confirmed with my test bed craft (no lifting sufaces other then the blades of the rotors). Other then the pendulum effect of the CM being under the CoL of the rotors...no self righting behaviour.
  4. I tried using some of my old designs with the new collective/cyclic(C/C) controls. It seems that the new controls always wants to "zero" the orientation of my quad copter to "hover". Even with SAS engaged and forcing the nose of the craft to point down. The C/C would over power SAS and orient into "hover" once the keyboard inputs are released. Is there a way to add an option to disable the automatic Cyclic/Collective controls for blades? My darn design it too stable I guess.
  5. Does anyone know if one can extend the ground track farther then one orbit ahead (ie 10 orbits)? This would be very helpful for planning orbital corrections for survey missions.
  6. Your problem is mostly likely the joystick. The engine that KSP runs off (Unity 5) doesn't seem to like some older analog sticks. Try unplugging it before playing KSP. If you really want to use the joystick, you'll have to get an virtual joystick/controller emulator.
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