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  1. I think there is small Problem in Changelog on Spacedock:
  2. Hello, Maybe U are allready tired by answering those questions, But while I LOVE your mod (I don't imagine play without it), I have installed als US II. AND US I just for parts. can U estimate when U will release update with included US II parts?
  3. I have founded some bug. When I Turn on Motion Detector on part (Surface Mounted Light) all controls freeze. I can rotate camera or show up rmb menu, but nothing works. I can't add/rotate etc new parts, I can't use any rmb menu controls, even leave VAB or launch vehicles. And I cant give log because only way to leave game is to kill it. I have try twice. Update. I have tryed also make it MANUALLY on Launchpad. It doesnt work. In this case from eva i can walk around and nothing happends (set motion detector to ON and range to 8 meters). After returning to VAB, Game Again freezed the same way like before. I use KIS/KAS, SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT, and play on 64bit version. Also CHOP SHOP, MECHJEB2 (Dev build 762), WAypont MAnager, [x]Science, And Kerbal Reusability Expansion (Firespitter included, CCK, CRP). FIXED Something was meesed up with unpacking archive. Mising files inside. After reinstaling mod everything was back to normal
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