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  1. I'll try and get round to testing in 1.10 when I get time. I also found it quite odd that "Node Helper" would be interfering with Scatter but I was isolate it to just these two mods installed and the "Oceanless/Atmosphereless" bug appeared (Basically Scatterer is unloading the planet details asif it's far away) I'll get a messege sent over to the Scatterer dev/team too, just wanted to give you a heads up.
  2. 1.11 Scatterer - Node helper bug After much time isolating and identifying the issue I have come to realise their is a incompatability between scatterer 0.0722 and Node helper that causes the ocean and atmosphere config files of Scatterer to corrupt when both are installed, I have repeated this several times with the same result each time. All mods installed via ckan on KSP 1.11
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