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    Derp, Kerbal, and building super-weapons.

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  1. Sorry, got called into first work today, (I've decided this is second work.) did not get a chance to get through D & E yet. Will do tomorrow.
  2. Revisited it, it's fine; sorry, didn't mean to cause an alarm. Edit: I did not test that one thoroughly enough. Sorry again. Minor note, Bargain Rocket Parts didn't show technology buy costs on the BBQ Cores. Forgot to note that.
  3. B's looking good sans Blast Awesomeness Modifier. Edit: Moving onto C's after this movie. I'll clear D & E in the morning.
  4. Looks like the A's are working. Moving onto B when I get back to the flat.
  5. I'll start at "A" then and work down. When you start in just check in where I'm at.
  6. @linuxgurugamer Is apparently starting a full staff. @Mark Kerbin Where are you starting/ending? Just so we don't duplicate work? Split em' up A-Z? Based on Popularity?
  7. I'm willing to help @linuxgurugamer. I feel miserable for him. Put me to work! I want to help! Assign me some stuff. Coding student at Uni, so i should be able to help!
  8. I'm ready to do the dirty work, someone hand out the assignment tell me what to tear at, I'll work on fixing this up! Kerbalkind depends on it.
  9. Is there anyway I can help with getting this mod 1.4.1 ready? I'm a coding student at Uni, and It's one of only a handful of mods that I use; (the others being RoverDude's USI). My system feels so empty now. I'm happy to do work! Tell me what to do boss!
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