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Everything posted by MutunusTutunus

  1. Edited to add: I managed to fix the problem detailed below by turning on AA in-game. Previously, I forced it through hardware instead, and had no problems for many hours. In case anyone can figure out why, you can read on below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey all, Running 1.4.1. While flying a mission over Kerbin yesterday, visual artifacts suddenly appeared in flight (see screenshot) both on the surface of Kerbin and Duna and also in orbit of each. I originally had scatterer, EVE, SVE, SVT, PlanetShine, and Galileo's Sun Flares installed, but no TextureReplacer. I removed just scatterer and the problem went away. I tried loading totally different visual mods (kept scatterer and PlanetShine, removed SVE+SVT in favor of AVP+TextureReplacer (as a dependency). The problem persisted. I removed all visual mods except for scatterer and it remains. I tried changing a few scatterer settings, but they did nothing. Finally, I also reloaded a much earlier save, but the problem remained. Any ideas? Picture 1 (includes original visual mods listed) Picture 2 (only scatterer) output_log.txt (uploaded on Drive due to 4MB size) I have also tried completely reinstalling every visual mod named above, including scatterer.
  2. Hey all, I'm having trouble finding anything bigger than the MEU-100 Pulse Drill. The Wiki seems to say that all drills are unlocked at the same science cost, but I have combed the tech tree and haven't found them. I have also tried searching the forums and internet in general, but can't find anything about unlocking them. I have unlocked "advanced science" in the tree, but nothing afterward includes other drills/the strip miner. I'm using USI Core, USI Freight, USI MKS, USI Life Support, and USI Tools. By the way - I'm also having trouble searching USI parts in the VAB. Is that normal?
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