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Everything posted by TheTripleAce3

  1. I made ONE spaceplane that had a Wolfhoud on it that made orbit with a satellite about the size (and close to the mass) of a Kerbal, I wouldn't really go with big engines like that when you have NERVs and rapiers (or aerospikes, people should use them more). If you want a plane to use a Reliant or Swivel, best prepare it to stage at some time in flight or have the center of lift quite far back, it is doable but not very easy to fly most of the time. Terriers also work if you perhaps stage Panthers off the rear of the aircraft.
  2. I'm not sure if this is already common or not, but I've found nearly no reason not to use them on Eve, Duna, or Laythe. The wings have space for instruments, provide lift to control descent on Eve and Laythe, and they can be used to place solar panels in convenient locations on the rover. I do it with most of my rovers now and find it quite fun to fly them around on entry.
  3. Treat the planet as the center of a maneuver node, except you have a very tiny amount of radial velocity depending on time of day/latitude. If going outwards, launch at morning, inwards in the afternoon.
  4. I use one as my second and third stage in my CommSwarm launcher that sends 14 ion relays to most of the sensible targets in game. It packs a lot of power with a very nice isp, looks cool, etc.
  5. Made a Duna probe, lost contact en route to Duna, flew past it without the relay picking it up, and wound up at Jool where I miraculously got a Laythe Gliding Rover (I got fancy with choosing the landing spot on that Rover) to pick it up, then proceeded to realize that I didn't have the battery storage to stop at Laythe in a secure orbit, tried to anyways, met Tylo, and then met the Grinch himself as the probe melted in Jool's atmosphere. Solar at Jool is a bad idea if it was meant for Duna. Coming in at a close second was me using my "CommSwarm" launcher to send 14 sats to Eve, realizing the an Eve-Moho window was open, and not noticing that I was on a retrograde Eve elliptical orbit at the time burning on the bright side, and eventually sending 7 satellites to Duna/Ike instead of Moho. In retrospect, I wish I had done that before my accidental JoolScope + Atmospheric Probe.
  6. First thing I did was make a 2.5m bloated rocket powered plane now known as the "Museum Piece 1" It flew for just enough time to pull a 180 and land about 3km from the runway
  7. I rarely do manned missions that involve landing (I've done more manned Duna-Eve flybys than I have manned Mun landings), so I often do some pretty unnecessary (bordering on stupid) things like I mentioned above with building a small chain of Omnidirectional beacons on the surface to act as comm relays for an orbiter that is part of a landing package for really early far side missions. Once I get gravity sensors and dedicated relay antennae (RA-50 is usually first oddly enough) I build a One-Size-Fits-All lander thing with immense relay ability and turn the mun into my personal ball of commsats like Dannny's 1.2 preview video. From there I can go to any planet I need to usually and have already done something on Minmus (probably a manned lander there if not a small hopper), etc etc. I think one time I even did the whole "chain of relays" on Eve's surface before I built my massive commsat package for Eve and Gilly (Single launch left something stupid like 8 commsats in that system and farmed every possible science point I could transmit from gravity scans). By that point I had been to Jool, put an accidental Cassini style orbiter there, and had 2 rovers on Duna (fun fact, the Jool Orbiter was supposed to be a Duna Orbiter that turned into an Eeloo flyby after I had to go afk while the ion engine burned).
  8. Not much reason to do them early on unless you're like me and you saturate every biome with probes before leaving Kerbin SOI, but what do you do when landing on the far side of the Mun? Do you wait for a few satellites with Communotron 16 antennae (assuming you don't have dedicated relay antennae yet) to fly by or do you build a small chain of landed relay probes along the Munar surface?
  9. Never thought I'd write a title like that... Nonetheless, Why use the Poodle when the Wolfhound exists? The Poodle just uses a bit less fuel/second, where the Wolfhound gets thrust, isp, the ability to be 1.875 or 2.5m, etc? My only other reason for the poodle is a vacuum lander..
  10. It was that the dlc hadn't *finished* installing when I thought it had XD I feel dumb now
  11. Yeah I found the thing I needed to find. Thanks for the answer though!
  12. The save was sandbox and difficulty didn't have the option afaik Nvm I figured it out.
  13. Just bought Making History and created a new save, but can't select the extra runways. Ideas?
  14. I'd need access to the review template, etc. as well if I decided to do it.
  15. I'm tempted to do a review but idk what to review or what I would even say. I'm not much of a creative person
  16. I've always understood that but trim is for speed and going slow with a CL too far forward didn't work out for me XD
  17. I just make my stuff conventionally bc its easier to fly imo As for CoL in front... reaction wheels for days?
  18. Especially if the hybrid mode isn't used. I'd use the rapier bc it works at higher altitudes than Whiplash and gets to higher thrust in most of my designs
  19. What would the inherent comfort rating of a RAPIER be. The SABREs haven't been tested irl so is it really possible to tell?
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