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Everything posted by TheTripleAce3

  1. So the second wing is aerodynamically useless but probably serves some structural use?
  2. Is there a name for that wing design or would it be a modified box wing?
  3. If KSP ever requires an internet connection then I'll be helically wrapped around an axis.
  4. Is that just a bunch of subassemblies that can be combined into one massive design?
  5. I see the struts but I'm kinda weirded out by thinking about how struts would actually work at mach speeds And god point about the outboard gear.
  6. Those gears are going to be floating in flight and look completely independent of the wings and nose
  7. Ah, then the wings have 60% of the fuel.. consider adding some gear in the wings bc they'd be the first things to fall off then >.>
  8. How many Mk 3 fuel fuselages did you use? Those hold something like 10k LF a pop w/o tweakscale
  9. Meh. That's only 6% of the fuel tbh. It could be much more unfair. Although seeing 60k and thinking "only" at the same time is an interesting realization.
  10. Oh. Is it required for reviews? I may have been looking at that section then XD Sorry about that. One million units of fuel? O_o Impressive. And with the most efficient engines in the game (at least by ISP alone)
  11. Then go with max range for the listed one I guess. Then you can find the max range (in theory I guess?) And imo, the best way to measure a plane's performance is seeing the difference from flying at its best to at its worst, probably not the way to go about it, but it works for my stuff
  12. And it would spend probably 1/3 of that 20 year lifespan inside a hangar getting that cleaning. And you forgot to add some info to your pitch. Range, fuel cap, etc are needed
  13. Something that big would have so much maintenance cost it makes the Wunderwaffe blush...
  14. It'd still take a hundred or so flights to pay off the plane assuming 0 maintenance fees wouldn't it? assuming standard ny-paris flight costs at least
  15. F-4s are pretty loud too. Found that out the hard way at EAA Airventure.
  16. That's if we don't have someone go reverse order in this one for a few planes
  17. .... I honestly thought you managed to land it in there rather than taxi it in..
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