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Everything posted by serg1983

  1. Hello!!! I use GPP Secondary, how to make sure that ciro does not revolve around kerbol and was not his companion , is it possible that siro was a separate star .
  2. why RO doesn't work on parts from Tantares?
  3. game version 1.3.1.ships that use a proton carrier rocket are not loaded .installed the mod manually according to the instructions, with all the dependencies .what could be the problem?.Thanks. P.S. I don't use neither RO nor RSS
  4. [SLS] Block IB Orion Adapter .don't shoot back properly as if there is not enough power of the motor of the crane of the adapter, shoot at it at sufficient distance, the adapter remains on a scene and disturbs
  5. RCS engines do not understand how to work, they have no sound and the jet from the injectors looks unnatural.
  6. problem with the part "clamp-o-tron mk16-xxl docking port".does not extend the docking port, or rather it extends but immediately moves back itself
  7. in the settings of the engines can be set to a value of "auto" and "manual switching" in the control unit engines.how this feature works and when .
  8. when you try to load and run a craft from Salyut Stations (Salyut/Almaz),a message POPs up, "the device size is unknown!"there is no information about the size of the device .open it in the Vehicle Assembly Building for evaluation by our engineering Department " what could be the problem
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