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Everything posted by Swoop911

  1. You solve it obviously Thanks!!! while i was trying to get it to work i tried many ways to get a vtol jet to takeoff properly like mechjeb+davon...nothing worked well i just took off in perfect balance with TCA i got plenty of mods installed but this one is the best haha i am a big fan keep up the good work allista! edit: i still have a question for you if ever you have an answer im willing to build a ssto vtol i tried some B9 va1 vtol engine but i think their built in control system is somewhat conflicting with tca so infernal robotics seems to be an answer to my problem but im not sure how their rotors works well with tca (can add more mods if needed) thanks
  2. what files do i need to remove if i want for example reinstall the Krnd mod to restart from scratch on a save file wich i have exaggerated with the cheat console and the mod. This is one of the best mod i have on my list its soo powerful.Thanks (i know i seen some poeple say that its useless to want to remove upgrades but i may have cheated a bit too much on some parts hehe) thanks alot
  3. Can you give a link to the mod helped you get rid of these ugly rcs effects? Cant seems too find anything that work my station is completely hidden in white shroud when i try to dock..
  4. im looking for help ererythings goes well with the mod i got parts and all. then when i load a shop with IR parts it crash the whole game (game freeze or close itself) i think with instructions i can provide any infos needed logs screenshots ect. i really wish i could make IR a mod i can use on all my stations and crafts... If anyone can help it would be very appreciated Thanks !
  5. Hi everyone i wonder if someone can explain me how to install the 3.5.2 tca manually. i dowloaded the file then tried the game.. no tca button anywhere do i need to extract the gamedata file content from the trottlecontrolledavionics-3.5.2 file and leave the trottlecontrolledavionics-3.5.2 file in the gamedata file of the game ? same question with AT_Utils-master who have a gamedata file in it.im not sure why but i cant seem to make it work. with the 1.3.1 version i had the button but no control windows when i clicked it. do i need an aditional toolbar or to put a MM copy in one of the directory ??im on linux-mint i aslso tried to install ckan to help but i seem unable to get the mono-runtime 5.0 for mint... thanks for your help! EDIT: i tried with the gamedata folder content out of the file i do see the modules in my tech tree but still not gui no buttons ect...where do the files in the zip i download belong to i guess this is what i do wrong. EDIT: tried the whole thing with 3.5.0 i do see the buttons and my craft have the tca software installed but still no controls windows at all when in flight.i guess 3.5.2 would be the answer if i got it to work.
  6. it's working perfectly but im still looking for a way to hide the pending contracts orbits is it possible to add it by changing the config file or something ? thanks alot Knowbuddy
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