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  1. I tried that but it didn't work unfortunately.
  2. Are there no files that I can edit to change this 10 m/s limit?
  3. Is there anyway to toggle the Vapor Vent in flight? Currently it disables at about 10m/s.
  4. Did you finish your falcon heavy KOS script?

    1. kerbinorbiter


      Yes (its for RSS though if you want it ill try and find it)

    2. kerbinorbiter


      (That would be if my bootfile didnt randomy delete itself)

    3. kerbinorbiter


      @broccoli_32 slight problem... the computer needs a factory reset...which means i will loose everything

      (was a Hard-drive, this is why i hate Mechanical Disk Drives and prefer SSDs, corruption of the boot file, bitflips?)

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