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Everything posted by TheRagingScientist

  1. Alright, thanks for answering my question. I'll keep an eye out for that fix.
  2. I'm having a problem with the mod. For clarity ill mention I'm using Galileo's Planet Pack. Now my problem is multiple strategies seem to have the same rewards regardless of level. Not all of them, just some. For example: Private Industry strategy has three levels, each increasing in cost in Spesos and Reputation, but the rewards for all three are the same. I haven't actually tried the higher level strategies to see if they are different or not. But I was wondering if the rewards are different and its just a bug, or they're supposed to be the same?
  3. Oh damn, didn't think of that. Very weird. but I like it. and I've learned something about orbital mechanics, so yay!
  4. Very very cool planet pack. But I have a question. I can't seem to stand on lili. When I go down to the surface, it stays at 0 m/s for a few seconds, then somehow, whatever I'm landing seems to get velocity out of nowhere that pushes it away from Lili. And when I look at the map screen it shows my orbit path to be on an escape trajectory away from the "moon". Is this a bug, or is this a physics problem I just don't understand?
  5. I have a problem. neither of the landing legs work. When I right click them, there's no option to retract them, and they automatically deploy when the vehicle is launched. I'm running 1.3.1, and I used CKAN to install.
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