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  1. given the fact it uses 17480.85 a sec... yeah i would say so lol
  2. love the mod mate, however.. um thought i might let you know.. you might of not put the decimal in the right spot on the dawn xenon engine in this release... i uhhh... noticed this while trying to move one of my satellites around.. XD o well unlimited power cheat till that gets fixed on those guys now i might be wrong.. but something tells me this wasnt intended .. XD https://imgur.com/eli4MMq ( thought i would post it here as well)
  3. love the mod mate, however.. um thought i might let you know.. you might of not put the decimal in the right spot on the dawn xenon engine in this release... i uhhh... noticed this while trying to move one of my satellites around.. XD o well unlimited power cheat till that gets fixed on those guys now i might be wrong.. but something tells me this wasnt intended .. XD
  4. Ah sweet thanks and that makes perfect sense didn't realize there was a beta 1.0 or anything like that , will check it out Looking at it, i will likely leave it out for now given your recommendation of not using it in a career game for now, but thanks :), i will just use docking ports and all that for now, but i like the way the beta is looking, all happy for more realism and less magic pipes . now its time for me to go destroy all those spare parts on the space station... hmmm this could be fun time too make a little trash disposal ship
  5. oh and yes im sure there are plenty of errors XD ah sorry, by that i meant it doesn't happen (the craft being pushed into the ground) when loading in the craft so i dont think getting world stabilizer mod would help, ( i dont have that mod) it just happens when attaching stuff in eva (edit) just uploaded a video showing the problem on two crafts when linking them, it may take a bit for to video to process (edit) i updated interstellar extended to remove the warp plugin errors, here is the new log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ah6sh_8mzN7BgTBy-0ApQH5eaXHf
  6. So sorry i cant be that helpful with whats going on but for some reason whenever i attach something in EVA like the connector port or strut the object it is attaching to gets pushed down a good bit. This on heavier craft can destroy the landing gear if its legs and breaks the wheels if its wheels which is obviously a problem. if it doesn't destroy it then connecting it to another craft normally does. If its a lighter craft it just jumps in the air then lands. I can stop them from breaking by just turning off crash damage till i am done but yeah my guess is its going to be a conflict with some mod, tho i dont really see how any of them could make that happen, tho some of them (lol a lot of them in fact) are "*outdated" aka haven't truely been updated for 1.4.3, but support 1.4.2 and or whatever (edit) i updated intersteller extended to remove the warp plugin errors, here is the new log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ah6sh_8mzN7BgTBy-0ApQH5eaXHf could also just be that it doesn't like heavier craft, but im sure someone has connected it to much heavier stuff then i have, im just trying to make a little mining thing, well "Little" lol i was thinking of getting the WorldStabilizer mod and seeing if that helped, tho it isnt when loading in so i dont know. sorry again that i cant be all that helpful
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