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Everything posted by HyperDraco

  1. The worst plane? I believe you have never heard of me somehow managing to fly a Formula 1 style car to 2,320 meters, nor has anyone as this happened literally moments ago.
  2. Banned for claiming to be a more badass pilot that Jeb in a F-14
  3. Granted, you are transported back to 1940 and are an allied soldier killed by a dozen of bayonets wielded by a dozen Blitzkriegers. What is Love? (this is a repeat question of my own)
  4. Such rabidness has never been seen before. @Spaceman.Spiff Are you still alive?
  5. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, I have been playing KSP for a fairly long time now, still doesn't change the fact that despite countless attempts at reading and figuring out what advanced Nuclear Physics this mod (Interstellar Extended) uses and rambles on about, I still haven't figured out how in tarnation half this mod can be used. The Thermal Ramjets seem to only require Air and nothing else, I have no idea whether that in itself is correct or my PC (with it's strange loading screen, epilepsy-inducing glitch) is just a very expensive bucket of magnetised bolts. Could someone explain (or kindly link to anything that explains) what the basic rundown of each module is. I do already look at youtube videos about this from channels like @beaucoupzero and so on. What are the various reactors, beamed power and how do I use them as my somewhat flimsy real-world knowledge doesn't really work in this advanced mod which is undeniably very cool. Thank you to anyone who attempted to explain this to me in any manner as I probably will forget this in the next 15 to 20 seconds
  6. Negative, you have reached the F14 Gang. Please leave your message for @RealKerbal3x after the beep *beep*
  7. Granted, you have opened your eyes and seen real life. I wish for some kebabs.
  8. Banned for letting us progress to page 984 of this thread.
  9. THE F14 IS BACK @Minmus Taster Give me your best ARGH.
  10. You cannot escape the F14 Surrender @kerbiloid
  12. Have you considered using the F-14A Tomcat instead? @A Nicheling
  13. Denied, from now you are free to continue @Minmus Taster
  14. Denied. you are stuck with me for the next minute. @Minmus Taster
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