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Everything posted by vladiano

  1. Hi, amazing mod, cannot thank you enough. Small issue with how your mod calculates mass. I have a payload of 4,789 kg being calculated as 4.8t (and fits on my 4.8t launcher) and another payload of 4,771 kg being calculated as 5.0t (and thus does not fit on the 4.8t launcher ). I'm running KSP 1.4.4, let me know if a part list is needed. Cancel that, it was the mod that I was using giving a wrong reading of 4,771kg - MechJeb sees it as 5.032 t. Thank you for the amazing mod that made me not give up on KSP!
  2. Highly appreciate the guide, MerlinsMaster - it is exactly what I needed to get me out of a "what's next" moment and excellently captures the concepts of assembled-in-space craft, space stations and orbiter/lander for us <100hr noobs just clawing away at KSP. I now have a much better understanding of all of this, thanks to this post. A couple of questions though: Why did you place two OKTOs in the lander? Maybe something I'm not familiar with but I'd rather spend the 100kg on sth else if there is no direct advantage. Is the Minmus tanker supposed to fly to Minmus together with the Transfer Module or just refuel it in LKO and undock? If it's the latter, it's a bit overbuilt considering the TM gets into orbit with just 0.5-1 of its final stage 3 fuel containers but I do appreciate that once in orbit it the tanker is an asset that can perform its role in plenty other future missions or as starter for a space station. On the Moon tankers, is that decouple ring between tanks to jettison the empty fuel container and engine after docking with the Moon Transfer Module? If so, brilliant idea -thank you- but it's not really clear if that is the point in guide or if I'm better off holding onto the extra 2 Poodles for extra thrust... maybe it's a preference thing, sacrifice a bit of dV to be able to perform maneuvers faster and thus more precisely around the node. Again - thank you for the guide!
  3. Hi and thank you for the extensive tutorial! Tried using the craft you supplied but getting an error that I'm missing a part called "EngineerChip" - is this part of a mod?
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