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Everything posted by Whptheenah

  1. weeping angels Portal or Half Life
  2. Granted, enjoy your new Hot Wheelsâ„¢ battle tank toy. I wish I could talk to dead people...
  3. Banned for smashing the keys in panic when playing KSP
  4. My favourite dessert would have to be a double cream covered chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (not icing), chocolate butter-cream and a single Naga Viper sitting on top, disguised as a berry (with 1.4 million scoville units of pure heaven!)
  5. 'The Thing' was by far the scariest for me. I feel that the 1982 version had a bit more scare factor in than the 2011, just because in the 2011 version, the twists and scary parts were a bit predictable. Scariest BOOK however, was the founder of all Sci-Fi ever: H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds (but both of the memorable films just ruined it a bit).
  6. Remembering the old man's words, you descend to floor 122, where you find monkeys and Spanish. With a mix of delight and terror, you find that you are in the SQUADâ„¢ website. As a kerbal, you feel compelled to stay, but you bravely carry on to floor...
  7. Please don't post phrases as these are not words. You also haven't fully understood the rules of the language I'll break those down for you: To panic=Peespacever (pi:speɪseveəʳ) To fail=Jebker (dʒebkeəʳ) If=Mez(mez) Example sentence: If you fail, don't panic. Mez bla jebya, kemia peespaceol.
  8. Frequently: -Minecraft -Tekkit -LittleBigPlanet 2 (this game is very addictive in create mode) -KSP forums Less frequently, but still used: -KSP -Portal 2 -LittleBigPlanet Vita Want to get: -KSP full version (this is why I don't play KSP too often. W8ing for christmas so I can get a PC that doesn't have a 1.67GHz processor) -Half life -Portal 2 PC version
  9. Again, AIs can be self aware. All self aware beings are merely masses of simple processors linked in a huge CNS grid. If we humans can replicate this, we can create not only a self aware AI with superior intellect, but also one with a conscience and emotions. These last two things are the most important things to give the AI. If the AI has a superior intellect to humans and is self aware, but it lacks feelings of guilt and sympathy, it would most likely be the end of the world as we know it. And for the comment above, I highly doubt that it would create religious issues as we would not be harming LIFE for the tests. If the AI feels pain, we can disassemble it without actually killing anything recognized as life by any religion.
  10. (you can only go up and down one floor) You insert the mustard and cheese into the DVD player and sneak the Apollo 18 movie into your shirt, before going to floor...
  11. Banned for being picky about which gas giant it is
  12. It's air!!!!!!!! .....l .........................V
  13. Kzplathidan FTW (even though this is now a dead language)
  14. Banned for the acceptance of flowers in an industrialized Kerbin
  15. Now all we need is a microscope that can pick up the electrostatic force that holds electrons in their orbit around atomic nuclei. The images would need to be as big as St. Paul's Cathedral to allow the nucleus to be visible to the naked eye, but we could finally get images that have a resolution 20,000+ times the diameter of an atom
  16. There is so much junk floating around in outer space (hats, cameras, gloves, even toolboxes), I'm not sure that the government are going to really notice a tiny camera. They'll track it, but unless they realize it is a camera, they'll have no motives to shoot it down. However, if a government thinks it is a spy camera, it could start a war.
  17. In the end, I guess we're all just going to get so curious that we'll try my idea and kill everyone. Make small, simple neurones that each process simple bits of data and link them together in an interactive web that forms a recreation of the human CNS. At our cores, we are nothing but millions of tiny, basic processors that each process the most basic bits of data. If we link these basic processors together, however, we can create a supercomputer that looks and functions like our CNS, and therefore should be as complex and advanced as our CNS. Many of you were probably thinking the same thing too (I like this new sub-forum).
  18. I'm not even in uni yet, but it was just a hypothesis: 1) Come up with hypothesis (what I did) 2) Test hypothesis (What you probably did) Outcome 1) Hypothesis works Outcome 2) Hypothesis doesn't work (the outcome) 3) If outcome 2, locate flaw in hypothesis. Edit hypothesis and repeat phase 2 (what you neglected to do) 4) If outcome 1, use newly discovered law to your advantage (our common goal here) Remember: One who makes no mistakes is one who makes nothing.
  19. To be=Govudler (goʊvʌdleəʳ) To be called=Jalesiker (dʒælesi:keəʳ) To have=Po'butker (poʊbʌtkeəʳ) To like=Ratsugler (rætsʌgleəʳ) To need=Umpedver (ʌmpedveəʳ) To go=Escritker (eskri:tkeəʳ)
  20. Time warp isn't possible yet, but usage of dimensions is. There are four dimensions. Right? Wrong! There are actually eleven dimensions, the remaining seven are just 'curled up' so they become disguised to appear as if they are part of the first four. In other realities, these dimensions may be uncurled. Analysis states that for varieties of all dimension curling and uncurling to exist, there must be at least 10^500 different realities. My theory is that if we can access these 'curled dimensions' in our reality, we can travel along them, cutting the time needed to travel by unknown quantities.
  21. One way that those who invent AI's go about it wrong is that they try to make them too smart and carefully code them. Every part is designed and made exactly. This is only half of the way they should go about the operation. I have devised an idea that AI's can be made to think and feel like humans do. Firstly, three microchip designs must be created: -a sensory microchip that can pick up an initial signal and pass it on to a CNS -a relay microchip that exists in the CNS, can pick up signals from sensory microchips and 'work' with its connecting microchips to process the signal -a motor microchip that can take the processed signals and pass them on to a response function These would then have to be organised and arranged, in their masses, like a human CNS is. A recreation of the human ear and eye could be attached to the sensory microchips and the relay microchips could be attached to a recreation of human vocal chords and a mouth. The AI would remain silent for a while, observing human conversations and learning our language. It would eventually become curious and create a noise with it's mouth. After about a year, it should have started forming basic words and sentences. After six to seven years, it may even be able to converse in full English. If one were to trust the AI, one may wish to provide it with arms and legs. the muscles would be made of a colloid that contracts when it receives a negative charge (from the motor microchips). One may also wish to provide it with human hands and legs, so that the AI can walk and write, just as humans do. With some basic technology, we could 'make' humans. However, what if the AI becomes corrupt. It could learn to hack into databases and download precious data. It could learn how to make loyal replicas of itself, as we had initially planned to do. It could wipe us out. So consider this: Is science worth the risk of Humankind? (basically, if your'e a "tl;dr" kind of person: make an electronic human CNS) You have been warned...
  22. Correct It's not room, it's chamber
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