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Everything posted by Whptheenah

  1. Makes me think of a swimming pool filled with cold baked beans (like everything else does)
  2. -Verbs must end in 'ker' 'ver' or 'ler' this was on my clipboard
  3. Banned for preferring pie to chocolate cake
  4. Minecraft... DON'T KILL ME! Kerbin or Duna?
  5. Granted, but this means you now have embarrassing fluffy wings sticking out of your back. I wish I was the President of the World.
  6. Well, it looks like we love circles and lines here on KSP. I'll get working on a maths script. But for now... THE DICTIONARY IS OPEN (only post words here from now on. If you have any issues, please PM me) Dictionary of the Kerbal language: (now NOT in alphabetical order)
  7. So basically, they could have just done: >Decrease gravity behind >Increase gravity in front >Time goes faster behind and slower in front >Faster time = universe expands faster >Slower time =universe expands slower/gravity pulls things back together >Take one step forward >Return gravity to normal >WARPED!!! and nobody thought of that until now... *facepalm*
  8. P.S. put 10 layers of it over the button
  9. Banned for advertising your favourite mods AND for spelling ever wrong
  10. Banned for hating eyes (amirite?)
  11. Wait... So who is the new head mod?... [subliminal_influence](plssayascensiamorradionpreferablyradionnooffenceascensiam)[/subliminal_influence]
  12. I think of a bath in cold baked beans...
  13. Kerbin is about as big as England, so it's understandable if they all speak the same language. Also, even if they don't, this language could work as an international business language. Thank you for the suggestion, FM. I will consider it, however, I was hoping for a more original language for Kerbin (since it is in no way associated with Futurama. I no wan tthem sue)
  14. I'll remember this for when the dictionary opens Then again, with Kzplathidan, the letters A, J, T, O, M, I, X, C, H, ÃËœ, í, Σ, ß, ï, è, Ω, Ãâ€, â, and ø can all be typed (I invented each script with a specific purpose: Kavarican for a futuristic look, Wormranian because Japan has provided us with much loved technological stuffz, and Kzplathidan because of Russia's role in the development of space technology)
  15. Remember: The winning script will be refined (basically, I'll decrease the fuzziness and make the letters more characterized to the style). Also, the dictionary will start when I post the phrase 'Dictionary of the Kerbal language'. Although it is generally earth languages backwards, there is still space for thousands of extra words, so get thinking.
  16. Well... you kinda didn't... but... okwhateverthxbye and for the guy directly above me: 1/10
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