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Everything posted by Paulyuk6

  1. Hi People I wondering if I am the only one encountering a couple of issues in Map mode: 1) When I swap view between my craft and map mode, then swap back again, it has forgotten the level of zoom so that, often, the camera is right up again the side of the craft (or even inside it!) , so I have to zoom out to get a full view of it. It is very annoying! 2) When I am using Map mode to plan a maneuver, it is sometimes necessary to rotate around Kerbal (or the planet I happen to be orbiting) to find the right position, but using the mouse to rotate around it spins the image so fast that it is impossible to easily get to the desired position. The rotation function is way too sensitive! There needs to be a scaling factor in settings to allow more precise alignment. Paul
  2. I would have expected this minor issue to be spotted very early on in development!
  3. I just experienced this problem as well. I finally managed to land on the Mun, planted my flag and I wanted to use the text '1st Landing Site' but it wouldn't let me use the number '1', instead I had to write the word 'First'. Also you can't use the tab button to jump to the next text field. You have to manually place the cursor there using your mouse. Although it does not kill the game, you think that it would have been something that they could quickly fix!
  4. So is there no option to adjust the game gamma level? the only way I can see what I am doing when I'm in the shadow of a planet/moon is to cover the craft in lights!
  5. I keep getting that epilepsy warning page every time I start up KSP2 now. Seeing it once was enough, it doesn't seem necessary to show it at every start up! Is there a way to turn it off? Paul PS. It doesn't seem to affect my game performance, it's just annoying to see it every time!
  6. The Save Game function seems very problematic to me. It seems to do several unexpected things. For example if you are playing a game and revert to VAB, it does it fine BUT if you Save the game, load it in again and then try to Revert to VAB, suddenly that function is greyed out so you cannot use it. Surely reloading a saved game should restore it to the same state it was when you saved it, and not disable a key function. It is very frustrating! Paul
  7. If a rocket blows up on the launchpad, I can quickly Revert to the VAB to fix whatever the problem is. But later in the game, I am find that Revert is no longer available - especially if you load in a previously saved game. It is hugely frustrating! For instance I managed to get a craft into orbit. I then saved the game shut down and went to lunch. When I came back I loaded the game in again, and then when I try to set sail for the Mun, I discovered my fuel levels were too low. So I thought I could revert to the VAB to add more fuel but found that I could no longer do that. I can only resume from the point at which I saved. Is this deliberate or is it a bug waiting to be fixed? Paul
  8. Hi folks I'm trying to dock two vehicles on the far side of the Mun (ie. in the shadows). However the display is so dark that it is impossible to see them on the screen. I cannot find any setting for brightness or gamma level in the graphics settings. Is there any way to tweak the brightness or contrast so that I can actually see what's happening on the screen? Paul
  9. Fantastic! Thank you so much for this advice, and taking the time to explain it in detail. I will give these a try right away. Paul
  10. Hi all I have successfully placed 2 (basic) landers on the mun. They are about 40km apart. One of them has zero fuel so cannot take off. I want to fly my other lander over to rescue the pilot and then fly both of them home. BUT I cannot figure out how to plot a course to get to him. If I was already in orbit I think I could plot a course to intercept his location. But how do I plot a course when both craft are already on the ground? Paul
  11. Still no mention of when proper support for 4K monitors will be added. I am tired of squinting at my monitor trying to read text. And the display sizing settings don't go far enough to resolve the problem. And adjusting the Windows scaling settings just confuses it further. Paul
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