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Flying dutchman

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Everything posted by Flying dutchman

  1. sn9 seems to be back upright, still on the crane though.
  2. My watch says my Heartbeat got up to 165bpm watching the lifestream.. :p
  3. Some hype music for those who want it while waiting.
  4. It's the payload and the thrust section.. sounds kinda weird saying it like that.
  5. has an upper stage ever lifted up from the ground under it's own power before?
  6. Will they even launch without the nasa spotter plane?
  7. I was listening to the news on the radio and his death wasn't even mentioned.... Yet there were plenty of mentions about things local "celebrities" did and i put "celebrities" in "" because they are famous for no reason, they have acomplisched nothing if you compare Them to Chuck yeager. At lot of people look up to the wrong people when the world should be looking up to Heroes. Rest in peace.
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