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Flying dutchman

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Everything posted by Flying dutchman

  1. That i did not know.. :p Thanks for the response everyone, i guess i fel for an optical ilusion
  2. Is it Just me, or does that look wider on the Bottom?
  3. they won't launch without clearance, so they must be hoping to get clearance last minute.
  4. Why would the FAA not approve the flight? I really don't know how this works.
  5. Well is it scrubbed or not? YouTube comments aren't very reliable..
  6. Currently watching the nasaspaceflight stream, they have some pretty clear footage right now.
  7. There is a livestream up from a YouTuber and it says that sn9 might fly today, is there anything indicating that that's true?
  8. since this is a nasa rocket this will delay the scedule by 2 years..
  9. Imho this could Just be posted in the SpaceX discussion thread..
  10. there is also a power outage. not sure how that affects things..
  11. So.. i made a huge aircraft carrier and tried to send it to laythe, but with a part count of over 1300 excluding the launcher my laptop Just wouldn't do it..
  12. i wouldn't count that as a powered landing, since they used airbags. i'd say the surveyor probe was the first to do a fully powered landing. :p
  13. didn't the lunar module do a powered landing all the way back in 1969, way before all of those?
  14. So the question is: what matters most? Being the first to land a rocket booster of being the first to land An orbital class rocket booster?
  15. i tried my best to photoshop starship on the dam in amsterdam, shows you just how big it really is.
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