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Everything posted by Milvus

  1. this is my mod list, i have no issue KSP: 1.8.1 (Win64) - Unity: 2019.2.2f1 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit 000_AT_Utils - 1.9 ClickThroughBlocker - USI Tools - 1.3 ToolbarControl - Antenna Helper - AugmentedReality - B9 Part Switch - 2.13 BD Animation Modules - Basic DeltaV - 1.0.6 Better Looking Oceans - CommNetAntennasExtension - 2.1.1 CommNetAntennasInfo - 2.4 Community Category Kit - 5.0 Community Resource Pack - 1.3 CommunityTechTree - 3.4 Community Trait Icons - 1.1.1 ConfigurableContainers - 2.4.8 Contract Configurator - 1.28 Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.2.1 Contract Pack: Bases and Stations - Contract Pack: Grand Tour Contracts - Rover Missions - 0.1.7 Contract Pack: Unmanned Contracts - 0.3.27 Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.5.2 Crew Portraits - 1.3.1 Community Terrain Texture Pack - 1.0.4 CustomBarnKit - 1.1.20 DistantObjectEnhancement - 2.0.2 DMagic Orbital Science - 1.4.3 Contract Parser - 1.0.9 Contracts Window Plus - Progress Parser - 1.0.11 DynamicBatteryStorage - 2.1.4 EarnYourStripes - 3.0.2 Easy Vessel Switch - 2.0.7235.25545 Environmental Visual Enhancements - EVA Struts - 1.0.6 EVA Transfer - 1.0.9 Firespitter - 7.15 FlightTracker - GroundConstruction - 2.6 Impact - 1.8 JanitorsCloset - 0.3.7 KAS - 1.5.7239.36651 KerbalChangelog - 1.1.6 Kerbal Engineer Redux - Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 4.1.15 Feline Utility Rover - 1.2.10 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.24.7279.41031 Kopernicus - KSP-AVC Plugin - ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.7 MunarIndustries Fuel Tank Expansion - 0.9.7 NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE - 1.1 Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.8.6 NearFutureElectrical - 1.1 NearFutureProps - 0.6.1 NearFutureSolar - 1.1 NE-Kemini - NE-Common - OuterPlanetsMod - 2.2.6 Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.6.10 PlanetShine - Portrait Stats - 1.0.18 ReentryParticleEffect - 1.4 RemoteTechRedevAntennas - 0.1.1 ResearchBodies - 1.11 SafeChute - 2.1.18 Science Relay - 1.0.6 Spacetux - 0.3.13 StageRecovery - StationScienceContinued - 2.6 Stock Visual Enhancements - 1.4 TextureReplacer - 4.1 Tracking Station Evolved - 1.0.5 Transfer Window Planner - 1.7.2 USI Core - 1.3 USI Exploration Pack - 1.3 Konstruction - 1.3 USI-LS - 1.3 Universal Storage - 1.4 EVAParachutesAndEjectionSeats - VesselMover - 1.8 Waypoint Manager - 2.8.1 ZeroMiniAVC -
  2. I had 104 mod installe, and some bug, i have disistalled kerbal and all the mod, and have reistalle it. i have deleted some mod (blue dogs and others) because now i have the dlc. and i have no problem. the only solution reistall it one at atime
  3. Ckan has the last versin, check the version compatibility in Setting -> Compatible KSP version
  4. Hi, after the update, i have a problem with the menu, i can't click on the item. the mouse on effect work, but the click don't. I have tried to deletee some mods, but only deleting kopernicus it work. excuse me for my english
  5. some years ago, steam wanted to give the possibility, to pay modders. it would have been a way to finance modders and have a professional work. but the community was against it.. I would like to thank the modders for the work they do for free
  6. THANKYOU, i have solved the problem, but all the progress with missions, research bodies, and milestone, has been lost
  7. hi all, hi ave KSP 1.4.3, but during the initial loading,the game tells me Kopernicus doesn't support the game version, and it doesn't load the mod. can anyone help me to fix this issue? thanks
  8. hi, i'm waiting for 1.4.4, or 1.4.5, meanwhile i try to play whit KPS 1.4.3, but kopernicus give me the same problem, is impossible to load the savegame, because the mod don't work, can anyone help me? Thanks
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