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Posts posted by farmerben

  1. I suppose its possible for an ISRU project to generate excess O2.  In which case we would be looking for uses for it.  Most other gasses are lighter and thus better for propulsion.

    In the case of Mars it might be possible to build an SSTO that runs on carbon monoxide and oxygen.

  2. 13 hours ago, Kermann Nolandung said:

    To be consistent, a statute mile subdivision should be chosen among the furlong, chain, rod, yard, foot, etc.

    A Roman mile is 1000 double paces of a Roman soldier.

  3. https://www.nasa.gov/smallsat-institute/sst-soa/deorbit-systems/


    In addition to drag sails, an electromagnetic tether has proven to be an effective deorbit method. This technology uses a conductive tether to generate an electromagnetic force as the tether system moves relative to Earth’s magnetic field. Tethers Unlimited (now Amergint Technologies) developed terminator tape that uses a burn-wire release mechanism to actuate the ejection of the terminator’s cover, deploying a 70 m long conductive tape at the conclusion of the small spacecraft mission. There are currently two main modules. The first, NSTT for NanoSats has a mass of 0.808 kg. The second, CSTT, is made for CubeSats and has a mass of just 0.083 kg."

  4. What I'm hearing is that you need to nearly match the orbit of each piece of junk you want to catch.  Nets are not going to work at high velocity.  


    Now there is a graveyard orbit just above geostationary orbit.  This junk is all moving with roughly the same velocity including direction.  It's too far out to easily deorbit, (easier to crash into the Moon in fact)  Out there a net that collects debris and keeps it concentrated makes some sense.

  5. I wasn't specific enough.  The cannons are in orbit.  They don't need high muzzle velocity, because you get around 14 km/s relative by counter orbiting the target.  Any hit is likely to shatter the target, but all the fragments will be going the same direction which happens to be the direction you need to deorbit.  

  6. 4 hours ago, darthgently said:


    Actually, in the extreme,  I'm pretty sure this is just another way to describe the "time stopping device" that has been in sci-fi many times.  Entropy is the arrow of time.  Time cannot pass without it

    I can at least imagine this.  A time stopped bubble in an otherwise normal universe.  Other alternatives are difficult to imagine.

  7. What are some of the proposed methods for clearing orbital debris?

    My favorite idea is a cannon that shoots blocks ice H20 or dry ice CO2.  With this the projectiles evaporate.  Whereas using metal bullets limits the angles where you can safely use it without orbiting your projectiles.  You need a cannon going in each direction, clockwise and counterclockwise as viewed from north pole.  Use a cannon going opposite direction to the target.  The cannons themselves need not be very powerful in terms of projectile speed.  We try to intersect space junk near it's apogee and shoot it with a block of ice.  Relative velocities will be in excess of 14km/s.  The target could shatter, but all the small fragments will deorbit faster.  Everything will be reduced to a lower perigee, I think.  A miss is expensive in terms of payload cost, but not dangerous because it will ablate away into gas on its own.


    What else?  Giant nets, magnets, radioactive tracers...  Use tritium ice so at least you can easily track your projectile and tell how it disintegrates.

  8. 3 hours ago, ColdJ said:

    Personally I reckon we take up a deconstruction crew and solar powered furnace. Strip out as much as possible from the interior. Melt down metal parts into ingots that you can use as raw materials. Remove the solar panels and deconsruct them down to a compact package. Then calculate and push the remaining station so that it eventually ends up in orbit of the moon. Then as we progress with future construction on the moon, dismantle, recycle materials for construction. It is already outside the main gravity well so it requires far less energy to move. We should be now be in the age of recycling, rather than push it at the earth and hope it doesn't go horribly wrong or just throw it away in space.

    That's way more practical than any asteroid mining mission I've heard.

  9. In my model it's not like Back to the Future, where you disappear if you prevent your own birth.  Einstein has a model where you can be your own grandpa.  Your grandparents might not meet each other and have you, but they are likely to have other kids.  Why be selfish?   You're not allowed to become a serial killer who goes back a forth fixing your own screw ups, because hand waving argument.

    WWII might happen anyway.  The Soviets and the Japanese were committed expansionists.  It would just be different.

    I'll stick with my plan to save Abraham Lincoln, as I'm most confident he could improve things slightly compared to what actually happened.

    Orson Scott Card has an interesting story called Pastwatch:  The Redemption of Christopher Columbus.  In which by empowering the Native Americans just prior to Columbus' arrival, it is possible to avoid ecological devastation in our near future.  A very good read.

    I also thought about saving the life of Jesus.  We get way more parables and teachings.  But a few things would be different.

  10. Holistic grazing management could help save the permafrost.   Snow is an insulating layer that prevents permafrost from forming in the winter.  With trees removed and snow trampled more permafrost will grow.  Grassland can sequester carbon in soil much faster than forests.  Bring back the mammoth!

  11. Not sure what the current hullabaloo is, and don't care to know in detail.  This forum is already heavily moderated for anything political or personally offensive.  There is a relatively small group of regulars who a comfortable around here.

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