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Everything posted by SpaceFaringOrBust

  1. Hello, Thank you for being so willing to help out with this stuff. I've ran into an error and been having trouble figuring out the bad mod. If someone could help me, I be very thankful. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aFvzmv5XfbyBi4vMswZV01jPndX0Baox/view?usp=sharing
  2. Now I have an additional 6 of a different design and they are still not finding much
  3. Ok I must be doing something wrong. I have about 30 Setinels in orbit at the lowest orbit to the sun, 13 billion meters (near kerbin orbit) and some between Duna and Dres even. I'm finding some asteroids but only 34 over a time period of 15 years (fast speed) and yet to discover any comets. Could something be wrong with my sentinel design maybe? I clicked each satellite and set it to track for asteroids and it seemed to be successful. I don't think anything would be wrong with the design unless there's a glitchly part or something that I'm using. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you in advance
  4. Ok Thank you for your help. I unfortunately didn't get to get my games back but at least the craft are there. Thank you again
  5. @Lisias Thank you for such a quick response! I do not have any backups of the game. I did re-download TweakScale and used my old gamefile, but it didn't work. But I may not have deleted the old TweakScale first. I'll try that and see what happens. Do you think I can try my old gamefile or is it FUBAR?
  6. Hello @Lisias, I'm having some fatal issues as well with Tweakscale installed. If I remove the Tweakscale folder from the gamedata folder, eveything works fine. Except for the fact that I don't have Tweakscale and all my ships are corrupted now. Would you please take a look at my ksp.log and telling me what is causing the issue? Thank you https://drive.google.com/file/d/11GpVWw3gGZ972AT-XxTQ7xELeZAlLXZu/view?usp=sharing
  7. So I did a no-no and install several mods at once and now I can no longer find my KS25 engine, which is the engine I use on the majority of my rockets. Can anyone suggest how to get it to reappear short of a fresh install? Thanks in advance -
  8. I've learned how to setup multiple maneuvers, but I can only see the first burn time. And can't tell if I have enough Delta V for the second or later nodes. Is there a way to switch to the next burn time indicator?
  9. Is there a way to pause the game, so I can take my time adjusting maneuver nodes? Hitting ESC brings up the menu and I can't adjust my nodes. Or is there a way to pre-program a flight path?
  10. Ok, so I'm sure there has to be a way to deal with the time that it takes for ion engines to change Δv. But I have yet to figure out a way other than turning on the game setting a timer and walking away. Whenever I use the normal time advance, my engines shut off. On another note I have noticed that Kerbal time and real time doesn't go hand in hand. Is that something in the programming or the maneuver node calculation missing a variable( such as the mass of the spacecraft?
  11. Haha. I love it. I'm gonna have to show that one to my Space Studies teacher
  12. So I launched some relay satellites into geosynchronous orbit. But I'm trying to go back to them I don't see how to go back. Obviously they are there by looking at the screen and the comm link lines. Any body got any ideas? Another question, How do I upload photos on this site?
  13. So I have less than a dozen hours playing around with this game. I'm finally grasping the maneuver mode and finally saw the math based visualization of orbital mechanics and the calculus(+) involved in it. Such a great game
  14. Hello, my name is Stephen. I've kinda been playing with Kerbal on and off for about a year. Just bought the Making History expansion this morning and figured it would be a good time to join the community. I started playing Kerbal to experiment with some orbital questions I had for a future technology idea of mine. Anyways I'm wanting to make some new friends here that share similar interests BTW I just realized I had older posts here that I forgot about. But I haven't been here in a while so lets start again. lol
  15. https://www.artificial-gravity.com/sw/SpinCalc/ Not many humans couldn't stand a 10 rpm structure. I doubt any could stand it for 6-8 months. Around 2 rpm is ideal for motion sickness
  16. From what I've read they provide more protection. Especially micrometeorites. Think of a kevlar vest compared to a sheet of aluminum the same thickness. I will have to find the article, but 2 rpm is the ideal speed to not cause motion sickness
  17. From what I have read SpaceX is saying the BFR will be much cheaper, due to full reusability. It'll be simply the fuel cost and wear and tear. I didn't mention that it will need two rings, rotating in opposite directions to cancel out those forces. I have not calculated the outer edge forces. Thrust is not something I'm knowledgeable with at this time. For now, I was just thinking of a large ion drive. Theoretically, the ship would be on a constant loop (whatever the term is called) between Mars and Earth. Ships from Earth or Mars would launch and rendezvous during it's orbit of the planet. It would require quick rendezvous which may be a greater issue than I can fathom. Obviously, two rings of that size could hold a few thousand passengers, which would be hard to transfer even in a 2-hour orbital window. The center of the ship I plan to be modular, like the ISS and can have components add and removed quickly during rendezvous'. Again obviously this is not something that can be built tomorrow. But I'm 33 and hope to finish my masters in aerospace engineering before I'm 40 which leaves me well over 20 years to work out the details. I believe at the current rate of space advancement, the technology will be available to build something of this magnitude. Rotating habitats will help a person transition from earth gravity to other gravity fields over the trip. Besides if we can create the gravity to provide comfort, why not?
  18. So if SpaceX is successful with the BFR/BFS, it would allow my concept of a centrifugal spaceship to be economically feasible I believe. I want to design a ship capable of transporting humans at a comfortable 1 g of rotation, which would be less than 2 rpm of rotation of the rings from the research I have done. In order to achieve both 1 g and 2 rpm the ring would need to be around 700 ft in diameter. Quite a feat of engineering to loft into space and to assemble. So here's my solution Bigelow Aerospace has already proven inflatable habitats are possible. I think that with the possibility of Made in Space's 3d printer/truss building, a centrifugal ship of that size with be possible to build with about 100 launches of the BFR. Granted it would still not be cheap, but still very possible at the estimated cost of a few billion dollars. Spread out over a few years I think this could be achievable. What do y'all think?
  19. Awesome Steven. Where are you at along your path? I've just started mine
  20. I've heard that too. I still wanna do it, for a couple years anyway. I may move to another company once I get my feet wet.
  21. Hello y'all. My name is Stephen. I am new to KSP and believe I'm addicted already. I recently decided to change directions in my life and go back to college to become an aerospace engineer and hopefully work for SpaceX one day. Maybe even start up my own space exploration company one day, that is if I become a billionaire. Anyways I am really enjoying KSP right now and it is keeping my interest in my goal through these boring and rough times of the first semester of college. P.S. I live in GA, a few dozen miles NE of Atlanta
  22. You were nowhere near short on details. Thank you Unfortunately, my kerbal was lost to Kerbin's atmosphere. He had too much of a retrograde orbit and after a few dozen orbits he entered the atmosphere. Thank you for everyone's help. I believe I have become addicted to this game though. Makes sense though, I am currently in school to become an aerospace engineer.
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