So, I've got a fairly detailed question before I even start planning this out.
My current playstyle heavily involves what I call "bootstrap space." Basically rather than launching my ships straight from Kerbin and off to their destination, with maybe a bit of orbital assembly, I make heavy use of robotic refueling and mining platforms I have scattered across the Kerbol system.
For example, to simply ferry a crew to a Duna surface base, I'd first launch them up to my extensive LKO space station in a barebones hopper. From there, they'd take a second, more powerful ship (refueled thanks to ISRU and ore shipments from Kerbin) and transfer out to my Minmus station.
They'd then get on a nuclear thermal interplanetary ship, fueled up from Minmus mining hoppers and ISRU, and strike out for Duna. I've got yet another fueling platform around Ike (lower gravity for miners) that the interplanetary ship would rendezvous with. For the final leg of the trip, the crew would take a lander down from Ike orbit to the base.
Is it more efficient in terms of D-V and payload capacity than a direct launch and transfer to Duna? Yes, since you aren't burning the vast majority of your interplanetary ship's fuel just to get it into LKO. Is it more efficient in terms of time to keep the system running? No. But that's not the point.
I have several platforms in the Joolian system - one around every moon except for Pol, and one non-refueling station in extremely tight orbit of Jool itself. My question is whether or not making use of preexisting infrastructure, as it were, to ease the trip to Jool (by assembling a brand-new mothership in LKO and bootstrapping out to Minmus) and to top off once in the Jool system would be breaking the rules of the challenge.
Going by the letter of the rules, I might be in the clear. Rule 4 might be invoked, but that seems to only apply to the ship used for the challenge. I don't think it'd count as a refueling mission, (which are no longer allowed, judging by the strikethrough) since it was sent out as part of a totally unrelated project before the challenge mission rather than after the mission to provide direct assistance to the challenge mission. As far as I can tell, my refueling stations are just usage of ISRU by proxy.
I eagerly await the verdict declaring me wrong, because that's the likely outcome here :p
Edit: To clarify, all those platforms are 100% stock.