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Posts posted by Cataclism

  1. Hello, Ezriilc !
    I´ve created a small video to show to some friend how to use Hyperedit to resupply some oversea base., just a small use, between so many options this mod allows!
    If you think it can be useful, the link and explanation I wrote are hidden bellow.
    If don´t, please feel free to discard and remove this post. :cool: 


    I have been playing a LOT with the planet mod "TWB: The World Beyond". In my role-play, the kerbals have definetely founded a new society in the "Traverse System", at least 150 years away (if you try to burn a stock vessel towards there).
    But this specific mod does NOT replace the Kerbal solar system, nor perform any kind of changes on it - which I think is VERY good.
    The small disavantage, per se, is that you will never be able to actually lift off/land on your new creations in your role-played new KSC. Except if you have any other mods which allow you to do so.
    So, I´ve chose a couple of moons which are very Kerbin-alike in their performances, and decided those would be, from now on, the new places for our several new "overseas" KSCs.
    Every time I desire to lauch a vessel to any of their orbits, I just launch it in Kerbin, then cheat-orbit it to any of those places. For landing, is the same thing.
    In this particulary case, I´ve lost many of the materials during a stupid error while diving into the Jeanne´s atmosphere. So, as that moon is one of our new KSCs, I just built the package with the necessary materials, set it to launch while in Kerbin, and then cheat/hyper it to Jeanne.

    -I´ve renamed the fake-probe, just so I wouldn´t end up using the wrong resupply crate;
    -As said in Hyperedit, it´s no recommended to "Land" in a different body. In many attempts the vessel ended up blowing to pieces before it could even appear on the screen;
    -So, first hit Alt+F12 (if in Windows, which activates the 'Debug Console'), search for the "cheats" tab and chose which celestial body or vessel you´d like you package to be set close to;
    -As I have a space station around the same moon with the ground base that is in need of resupplies, I´ve chosen to cheat-rendezvous the package to the sation, so I´d not need to search for the moon in a long list;
    -Once the package is in orbit around the desired body, hit the Hyperedit button and, for this case, click the option to 'Ship Lander';
    -As I´d already set a flag on the spot where the supplies are required, it´s showing on the list, but as in the tracking station, Hyperedit recognizes your kerbals or active vessels as well - I´d ratter set a flag or EVA a kerbal if possible, so to avoit the package to land over any other vessels in situ;
    -I disabled "force rotation", so the package may remain in the same position as I launch it;
    -Chose a altitude to start the descent from and click 'Land';
    -Enjoy the ride!
    -You may click on "Deploy" if you wish to test some parachutes, landing gear or the package´s structure itself - it will start a regular descending and increases its speed;
    -Be carefull to not switch to other vessel/kerbal/flag while the descending in in progress, or you propably will cancel the Hyperedit assistance, and your package will smash itself into the ground (in this video, I´changed JUST the camera, NOT the active object).


  2. Hello, again!
    I was wondering if it would be possible...  not a big deal, though: when the player right-clicks on a part nearby, and the option "Disassemble part" appears,  maybe if it shows the quantity of material kits that will be generated? I believe that number is not randomic, and I don´t know if this instant calculation could make the game gets a little slower...

  3. Hello, TheProtagonists!

    Two things, as curiosity:

    1-. As a Douglas Noel Adam´s books fan, I HAVE to ask: the 42degrees relative inclination of Dawn Star... is it a coincidence? "Is it... angry"? :D

    2-. I have never liked Eve (the planet) too much, so I don´t know if this is an issue regarding to those bodies with heavy atmosphere and pressure... almost every time I set a base, a rover or any vessel a little heavier on Matterhorn surface, when I reload the game and switch to that vessel, is appears several meters above and ends up falling and exploding. Do you believe it could be due to the game engine itself or some trouble with the new planet?
     I´m sorry; please ignore this issue, as I´ve been making some tests and am pretty sure it´s happening due to some KAS "ports" atatched to Umbra´s parts.

  4. 17 hours ago, swjr-swis said:

    Or create your own starting set with the debug menu, Kerbal/Create.

    You can pick their genders, professions, experience, personalities, make them badS or veterans (or both), and give them your own choice of name. You can even make them tourists.

    You can make a whole new set for every single game... or half-way an existing save.

    We have the technology, people.

    That´s the kind of GOOD STUFF I still haven´t noticed. Thank you!

  5. On 12/4/2018 at 8:24 PM, purpleivan said:

    How... violent impacts with planetary bodies that's how.

    The force of the impact blends the mushy, gooey genetic material that prior to the impact was the occupants of vehicle. This blended material is vacuumed out by the recovery team, and placed into plant pots out the back of the Astronaut Complex, where they eventually grow into full size, and space besuited kerbals. They are then given a shove in the direction of the rear door of the Astronaut Complex (they're a little dopey at this stage), given a 15 minute orientation lecture and have a copy of "Space for Dummies" jammed into their eager little gloved hands.

    After that they are placed on the roster and shoot some pool while waiting to be assigned.

    That´s a REAL good use for scientific knowledge. Thank you!:D

  6. On 12/5/2018 at 2:33 PM, DMagic said:

    SCANsat version 18.9 is out; get it on Space Dock.

    It includes some performance improvements for background scanning (about a 50% reduction in processing time with lots of scanners at high time warp), a fix for Metal Ore scanning with Extraplanetary Launchpads, allows for deeper layers of sub-moons in the celestial body lists, and fixes a typo in the science result localization tags.


    Man, you really did it! :0.0:

    THANK YOU! That will help a lot! :science:

  7. Hello!

    Dude, this mod is THE STUFF! A jewel, indeed!
    First time I´ve tried it, an it works perfectly (win10 64bit - 1.5.1KSP).
    Now, I can finally build some BIG SSTU-low-part-cost, to launch some BIG interplanetary vessels to carry some BIG ground bases.

    Thank you for keeping it up!!!

  8. 33 minutes ago, magnemoe said:

    I have lifted kerbals by just having the grab the winch and haul them up but this was new. 
    And you gave me an genial idea about using sit in seat to have kerbal get out of situations. Like from hanging in an KAS wire to sitting in an seat on an platform. Then leaving seats they are standing on platform. 

    ...and that´s exactly how this idea for the elevator came to me! :D
    I forgot to test, but I think you can´t storage two of those seats in inventory or carry them in a backpack container; otherwise, you could climb almost every kind of part, just "warping" between them. In true, you can do this with a single one, just like you said above. One could call it a cheat, indeed but, who cares! Let´s take the feet out of the mud! :D

  9. ....

    There is a KSP video on Youtube from Shadow Zone, in which he made a pretty cool jet-elevator to lift his kerbals from the launch pad floor all the way up to the cockpit.
    But I needed something a lot easier and lighter to adapt on the bases I´m sending to atmospheric planets/moons in 'The World Beyond -> Traverse'. So, I followed some good ideas from that video and made "this".
    The videos of the first failures attempts are bellow and, for those interested in some related explanations, they´re hidden at the end of this post.



    Yeah, I know of many cool lifters and cranes and stuff within the mods around - I have some installed - but, again, I wanted something more direct and easy-to-use. I´ve also made one pretty fancy stuff with the Akita rover core, but things get a little hard to balance once they´re hanged just by a wire.
    For those whom haven´t used the magnetic stuff yet (It´s my first time), remember that the thing may disconnect/disengage when you realod your game or your scene. So, it´s better to plug and link it (to make it part of "the same vessel") with some gadgets like KAS/KIS, or even the portable EVA strutt from DMagic. Again: you HAVE to make it a "part of the same vessel" to be able to secure the connection with struts. That´s why I pluged them with the rounds connectors first.
    Or just lie the elevator coupola on the floor, if it´s flat enough to dont turn over and roll away in case the magnet fails. 
    Also, nor the magnet nor the hook will attach to the stuff while it´s part of the same vessel, so you have to somehow decouple the elevator before trying to grab it. I used the same action button for ejecting the magnet and decoupling the holders, but as I wasn´t quick enough to click "instant stretch" to avoid the falling, it´s seems to me it´s better to create a provisory floor for the first time.
    Yeah, I could "disassemble" the parts instead of ejecting, so to scavenge them as material kits, but in this case the objective was just to show the stuff working.
    I appologize for the poor quality but it would take forever if I try to send three videos of more than 250MB each.


    It took me more than four hours just to make it right for this footage - man, these kerbals move SO BAD! I don´t mean they should act like some kind of assassin´s creed´s stuff but, MAN that sucks!
    Anyway... first, the first model that actually worked out properly (after kraken-knows how many attempts). Then, the elevator on its offial use on the vertical base and, finally, a few "teletransportation-upgrades", so one doesn´t have to fill everything with ladders (which they won´t be able to grab) and structures (which they won´t be able to stand on).
    The idea from the elevon as a security measure I took also from another Shadow Zone video, in which he used´em as a cool visual animation just like they were the coupling grabers while docking two vessels.










    Now, I´ll try to make it inside a vertical small tube, fixed to the entire height of the ship, so to avoid the kind of stupid accidents you´ll see in the videos.
    Probably something like the way Matt Lowne used small landing wheels to enable some spinning inside his space station.


    After all those numbers, an engineer decided to take an Akita rover (by Umbra) an go for some R&R, camping near the ocean.






    5 hours ago, magnemoe said:

    Pretty crowded, note the fleet underway to Jool, set up so each ship will brake at Tylo at one Tylo orbit intervals. 


  10. On 12/4/2018 at 5:15 PM, TheProtagonists said:


    You might have also noticed that Seraph's biome also doesn't work, which is due to it having the same (stupid) problem with Adeon, and you can fix it in the config file with the same way in my last post.

    I came today to make THAT report too! Good you´ve already noticed.

    Man, it amazing how the single 0.9gravity of Bishamonten can change even the biomes of the nearby planets! :D

  11. Hey, guys!
    Have you noticed, or perhaps someone has already commented, that once a kerbal enters the "Deployable Emergency Shelter" (that cool, effective small tent on the "rovers" Umbra´s menu) they will be completely ripped off of their inventory items?
    I have reinstalled the mod, and the issue persists: An engineer decided to take some R&R from all those number and went camping. He started with the items in the inventory, entered the small tent and, when going on EVA again...... the Kraken had stollen it all!!! :0.0:

    Here´s a little video... the "proof" of the disappearing is at 2´15"


  12. Hello, there!
    I´ve started to explore Daedalus (on Traverse), and now that the biomes are all scanned, I think there´s another little misspelling to correct: one of them, spread along the entire planet, is named Vaopr Lakes. Maybe the idea was Vapor Lakes?

    If so, I followed your previous tip and rename it on the .cfg file. It´s showing ok in the game, now. 

  13. Hello, travellers!
    Two videos of my latest landings on Jeanne and Pooh. As my previous "base" was a loss, landed in a very bad, inclined spot, I had to rescue my crew back to the space station and plan a new base down there. Some of the screenshots show the basic procedure just to replace the main relay antennae, which had misteriously disappeared after I reloaded the game.
    So, I´ve just downloaded Umbra Space technologies (all that Kolonization and good stuff), which I had never tested ´cause my previous installation on 1.4.5 wasn´t properly working. I´ve decided to build some kind of Ranger/Karibou base - and I like it!
    But, here a small, old-fashioned advice: remember to READ the manuals. I always use to do but, in this case, in my eager to test that very cool new stuff, I didn´t pay enough attention to those lines which clearly say that the Ranger inflatables WILL recquire some materials to even deploy, as well and engineer on EVA.
    As I´ve turned off the option "consume materials" on the settings, AND the deployment seemed to be properly working on the VAB, I was stupid enough to NOT test these functions outside BEFORE the maiden launch. And so, I´ve got screwed!
    Now, with nothing much to do in agriculture and workshop fields, those cretin kerbonauts will have to try and spend some time fishing on the relatively nearby lakes of Jeanne I´ve seen from low flight. Bummer!
    So, I may hear "hoy!, why don´t you just send a resupply flight?". Well, I could never - EVER! - perform a successful landing near the points I´d wish in any atmospheric planets, and I doubt I could do it in Jeanne. I may try downloading some SSTO cargo planes and see what happes, as I suck as an aeroplane constructor.

    Akita-Camping-1.png Akita-Camping-2.png Akita-Camping-3.png Amaterasu.png Hakurei-Landing-1.png Hakurei-Landing-2.png Hakurei-Landing-3.png Hakurei-Underwater.png Jeanne-Bad-Base-Landing-3.png Jeanne-Bad-Base-Landing-4.png Jeanne-Bad-Base-Landing-5.png Jeanne-Bad-Base-Landing-7.png Jeanne-Bad-Base-Landing-8.png Jeanne-Bad-Base-Landing-9.png Jeanne-Bad-Base-Landing-10.png Pooh-Good-Karibou-Landing-1.png Pooh-Good-Karibou-Landing-2.png Pooh-Good-Karibou-Landing-3.png Pooh-Good-Karibou-Landing-4.png

  14. On 11/30/2018 at 6:19 PM, Shadowmage said:

    I'm certainly willing to take whatever help is offered, if you were interested, but thought I should mention that it is far more involved than just standard/simple texturing work.

    Sure thing, sir! I´ll try to help however I can as soon as I fix my "technology" problems.
    Yeah, I can say I have a  bit of knowledge regarding  the bunch of effort needed for mods an game-extras, as I used to create a few small parts and stupid vehicles for Operation Flashpoint, probably more than 15 years ago.... but I´m sure that those didn´t need not even 30% of the drawing/programming necessary for KSP nowadays :D .


    EDIT:  thank the good-Kraken for you modder´s forum signature! I´ve just realized the bunch of stuff you create and I didn´t know!

  15. By the way, if your intentions are for Duna only, at least for now, the reentry heat won´t be a problem (different from Mars). It will be gentle in Laythe, as well.
    But, if you happen to grow an idea of reentering Kerbin or other atmospheric planes (planet pack MODs), the heat will take its told.

    I´ve been beaten up by it in several The World Beyond planets, and most of the times the rover has to remain like a (chinese) farmer´s head until low atmosphere: all covered from the heat.

    Shielded-Rover-1.png Shielded-Rover-2.png

    (the flames/fire effects have been disabled due to performance reasons)

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