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I Just Ate Your Grapes Bro

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  1. "You have exceeded the maximum paste size of 512 kilobytes per paste. PRO users don't have this limit!" This then takes me to a site to pay $30. I assumed it'd be in poor taste, or almost impossible to read to paste a 3.3kb file across that many different files.
  2. Yeah, I'm certain, again since there are no reports here, that it's a conflicting issue with another mod I'm running. It never crashes loading in the game, only when loading the VAB/launch screens, and since getting rid of the blue batteries this mod provided and removing it, no more issues, however I LOVE this mod, so really don't want to leave it behind, and would likely drop the other mod causing the conflict. Are you saying the crash log specifically? Because the KSP.log was too large to load into pastebin without paying for an acct. I can't even say for sure that this IS part of the problem, since not crashing is not the same thing as crashing more frequently. I could well have just been lucky playing yesterday, and this mod might not even be related at all. BUT, I played for a long time yesterday without a single crash, where as I'd get 5-10 in a normal session so I'm left assuming it's conflicting with something, but I have NO clue what, cause I have like 80 mods
  3. Is anyone else having an issue with Near Future Electrical causing crashes? I still can't verify that this is for sure the culprit, but since I've removed it, my game has been stable where it was crashing on loading every 10-20 screens. I'm guessing this has to be a conflict with another mod, since I didn't see any mention of this in comments... Wondering if anyone might know of mods that conflict with this one?
  4. I don't mind the steps being laid out so they're idiot proof . Right now it's telling me that I need to pay in order to upload that file, I'm gonna do a fresh install and start early with this mod and see where it stops rotating/flashing and I'll report back, hopefully with a small enough ksp.log that I can actually post it.
  5. I really love the ambiance your mod adds. However, I can't seem to move the spotlight at all. The menu to tilt and rotate it comes up, but it doesn't tilt or rotate in the hangar or outside, and blinking lights also don't seem to respond to blinking. I don't know much at all, but when looking at the part config, it says to use a pan and tilt animation, but I don't see those in the mod. Are those stock animations it's calling to? The installation was simple enough it's almost impossible I've messed it up. Maybe these features just don't work with 1.4.5? Any help is greatly appreciated. Even without these features working, this is still an amazing mod, but I'd really like to be able to pan that light!
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