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Everything posted by KerbalRocket

  1. one of the mods required is no longer available for download so can i put my edited version on there instead?

    1. Deddly


      That's a great question! Well, that depends on the license. What license does that mod have? Does it allow redistribution and editing? 

    2. KerbalRocket


      I don't know the only items in the file are part files and the curseforge and spacedock links are gone sorry

    3. Deddly


      Ah, that's a shame. So this is why our rules say that when someone distributes a mod, it must always include the license file. Without it, it's impossible to know what we're allowed to do with it :(

  2. Can You Put In The Original Links For The Mods For Me? (In My Deep Space Probe Post)

    1. Deddly


      Sorry I'm not sure what you mean, exactly :)

      Do you want to link to the threads for the mods you had in your download?

    2. KerbalRocket


      Yes please if it is not to much to ask, thanks

    3. Deddly


      Well I think the best thing would be for you to do that yourself, because you are the best person to know which mods are needed and where you got them from :)

  3. Thanks For The Tip Deddly I Will Do Better Next Time
  4. Hey if you have some cool crafts to upload do them here is my first craft Check Out My Deep Space Probe Here NEEDED MODS: mecjeb near future solar bdarmory warp drive future weapons heavy ion drives
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