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    Qld, Australia
  1. im sorry if this has been asked before, but does BD work on the newest version or will i have to use 1.4.5? Thanks!
  2. hi, when i install all of the SM mods, should my directory look like this? SM AFVs SM Industries SM OST and T SMI MissilesLaunchers SM Armoury SM Marine Squad (and other installed mods) thanks in advance
  3. yes, that seems to have fixed it, i have been playing for a while and i love the mod, good job! and thanks for the help
  4. so i'm having a problem with the mod, it wont let me view the radiation fields, it doesn't come up with the mod button but some of the stuff from the mod is still working. i have reinstalled it and its dependencies with no luck and i am playing on a clean 1.4.5. is this just my game or do i need to roll back to an earlier Ver? thanks in advance
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