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Everything posted by 4472TJ

  1. incredible. Easy joke, not good but still funny Major Tim Peake's Sokol space suit Huge picture of a Soyuz I'm not sure what these are though
  2. Here is a sneak preview of the pictures for the first proposed scenario Comment to let me know if you think its a good idea
  3. Liftoff Booster Seperation Orbit Jettisoning Cargo Re-Entry (couldn't get a good shot of it) Landing No mods used and pictures so you can see them! Now, can I have my badges Can the good people of the Shuttles have a look at this... All of the mission ideas will be based around Shuttles
  4. I would if I could. I got these pictures on there by lots of effort and perspiration and the're like this! how do you get pictures on at full sizes!!!
  5. For STS-1a Launch Booster separation (with parachutes) Orbit Cargo ejection De-orbit burn and the landing No mods used. All Stock parts, and good challenges set... Can I have my badge now??
  6. Hello people I have as promised the pictures of Soyuz TMA-19M
  7. Welcome! Me being a bit of a beginner myself I'd like to say good luck, KSP is basically rocket science, without the NASA budget, moral support, and fatalities included. KSP can be a lot of fun but it can frustrate you, carry on. That's what I learned. So hope to see you soon more on the forums Before you go check this out first Mission Coms- a full dialogue of missions
  8. 120 hours, not enough, neeeeed kerbal space program!!!
  9. Hello! I'm just wondering, are any of you people composers, or trying to be one, because that includes me
  10. FINALLY SOMEBODY ELSE WHO LIKES MINECRAFT AND KSP!!!!! I have been waiting a while for this moment.
  11. Hello again, not been here a while but please check this out and see if you like it! To Mission Coms- a full dialogue of missions
  12. Hello people of the internet! I have decided to do a set of 'stories' based upon missions I, or others have done. In here I will watch through every mission and provide the kind of communications you may hear between mission control and the crew on the ship. I'll try and make it as accurate as possible and hopefully add some pictures to show you the sort of thing that goes on. Let me know if its a good idea and check out some of my other posts too! Link to my first proposed scenario
  13. I want more!!! This stuff is dynamite! Completely hooked, waiting to try and recreate the mission in KSP!
  14. Finally after 17 hours of KSP over 3 days I have completed what I'm set achieve. A shuttle. There were many setbacks but I persevered. Setbacks include, real life, people and natural bodily functions (I learned from last time that a wet computer is a computer less for you). The basic phases of development were as follows: air tests, these were used to test the shuttles capability in the air, mainly for landing and pitching in re-entry, then came booster development, it took a while to figure liquid is better than solid, so two "custom" boosters were fashioned with two vector engines per booster. I launched and the second the boosters fell the craft (that is the shuttle plus the main fuel tank) span out and died. So to fix the issue I added two (you guessed it) vector engines on a structural Mk1 fuselage and limited the thrust to 45, lo and behold it worked until I detached the main tank. I tried accelerating just the shuttle in space and it span out. So I added two smaller liquid engines the back that could gimbal (the three I placed couldn't) and that was fixed. After that a long, shallow re-entry angle tested the heating of the craft to the limit, but it survived and was in the atmosphere in one price. The only problem now was landing, as in first stage development, the weight of the craft was different so it handled better, now it was impossible to pitch up the nose, so that was fun slowing down from over 2000 m/s, also me not being any sort of pilot and never drove any vehicle I think I did a good job, only the front half survived and so did the crew, so in Kerbal standards that was a success! However not all missions went as well... Like the Columbia disaster (2003) in an earlier version of my shuttle the right wing was struck by a piece of debris, the right booster and the whole wing was destroyed the craft however was so high in the atmosphere that there was no aerodynamic effect. We decided at mission control to attempt re-entry 1 because I had heard of a fighter pilot land a craft with a wing sheared and 2 because I can't do orbital rendezvous As the craft performed the deorbit burn the accelerator jammed open and instead of a nice shallow angle it was steep and over land and not water so not good news. The craft rolled to the non wing side with the winged side stuck out backwards. After re-entry the control was appalling and I couldn't control it, so I deployed the drogue shoots and it slows to 30 m/s but the nose crashed into the ground and all crew were killed. A lesson to be learned here, be careful with your booster debris!
  15. No I hadn't, though what you are saying about mods being better than the devs, I have never experienced unfortunately, so I'm only going by what I've seen
  16. Fair enough, it makes sense for that to happen. Agreed, but computer programmers are much better at Squad at making these calculations faster, where as mods are just made by Jo public.
  17. Yes they do. Except it is a bit more tech advanced, but not computer controlled, specifically for the fact that they want it human controlled, its much easier for better quality shots that way
  18. Well for all those who have terrible computers (me) then sometimes modding isn't the best for their computer and things on a newer version of KSP would be much easier for them
  19. I think the introduction of wind tunnels would help the testing of new craft, rather than just launching to test. If this happened aircraft would be much easier to make and rocket designs more refined.
  20. Well aren't you lucky! Wish I was able to see this stuff more. After finding KSP, I have started to love space travel. Well have a nice Christmas everyone and I should be on sometimes soon after that encounter with TMA-19M.
  21. Well good people Christmas is coming tomorrow, and not only do you have KSP to look forward to but also everything else. Yet I bring good news and great joy for I am to see in only a few days the landing capsule of Soyuz TMA-19M, or more commonly known as Tim Peake's capsule, part of expedition 46/47 to the ISS in Wales, and this being the first piece of space hardware I've seen, and its Russian, I am very exited. Pictures to come!
  22. ERM... I have an explanation (sorry Mike), I have been reading lots of factually incorrect webpages and just took it as true, until everyone here started correcting me!
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