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Everything posted by 4472TJ

  1. Problem is, Mr Branson has given us a time, around 6 months from now, and considering it would be incredible if he could do that.
  2. Mr Branson has though expressed the wish to go on one of his flights, I don't see Elon Musk wanting to do this, nor Boeing's CEO.
  3. I have always dreamed of making one of these planes, and it would work, we know that aircraft can air to air refuel so that system should be able to be adapted to launch and retrieve aircraft
  4. Well... What are everyone's opinions on this, is it Spacex as the best, the upcoming Virgin or maybe Boeing?
  5. Yesterday, the first manned spaceflight mission to launch from US soil since 2011 and it was spectacular. The VSS Unity, Virgins idea in the new space race launched into the air for its first test flight in space and achieved a height of 82.7km. This means that the pilots were the first ever commercial space pilots and will be receiving their space wings
  6. Its a shame that all the big space news is, there is a hole, a mission has been aborted (which is quite big) whereas in the Apolo era it was, we have landed on the moon, we have achieved orbit on another celestial body. I'm not saying this is not such a good time for spaceflight but I have a feeling that the next real space race is about to start, and it won't be Russia that gets to Mars first, as I've heard nothing from Roscomos about an interplanetary mission, let alone one manned
  7. As for the hole the souyz, we won't ever find out about who or why they did it
  8. The Souyz MS-10 was I think the first Souyz to abort in flight, ever. One in the '70's/'80's exploded on the pad and one depressurized whilst undocking killing the crew but other than that Souyz's are really safe
  9. New to this page and mad about Russian spaceflight, what have you got going?
  10. Now the possibility is much more clear, the new(ish) blow up module on the ISS was mode of very thick layers of lots of material and this looks quite similar to the sort of stuff used in space suits and since a spacesuit is just a small spacecraft filled with air, like the module I mentioned, it could in theory work. One problem though is its ability to make an airtight seal (adding weight and costing) and its capability to endure heat from the sun and the shaded of the earth, and lots of materials don't like heating up and cooling down so rapidly (take a blacksmith working with metal, they do not want to cool the metal down too quickly and let it ruin their work) and this may be a reason for it not being used.
  11. My Craft replica of the U-2R Spy plane https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198857588013/myworkshopfiles/ link for download is above
  12. Problem, Kevlar is more like a kind of putty than a solid form (correct me if I'm wrong). The problem there is obvious if you were to use it for a structural element. If you are trying to mean that you could use it in the ISS for radiation prevention that could be a possibility but the problem with liquids in space is that they like to clump together so if you had a hull like this: (Kevlar(inside)Kevlar) After some time it would become, (Empty "space"(inside)Kevlar ×2) And for an astronaut that's not so good as it is letting in the radiation still.
  13. Just out of interest I have been able to make an SSTPO with only aircraft parts just as my second aircraft I've ever made.
  14. Here is the space (pun intended COME ON ITS A SPACE GAME!) where all your questions and worries will be answered by the noble community of KSP.
  15. Can we add a new category? You may consider this as an SSTO but it is more of an SSTPO single stage to partial orbit. Nowadays with plans for space tourism, why leave out the Kerbals? An example if an SSTPO would be an aircraft that flew fast enough to get the navball to change to orbit but not any higher than 100km aka space. It would have to fly from a rolling takeoff and be able to land at the KSC. Takeoff speed would have to be under 120/ms but minor allowances could be made. This could be charged at a high price per passenger and this would give the company a fair bit of money. If you would like a (bad) example of what I mean ask me and I shall give. 4472TJ CEO of Kerbal Space Tourism and CEO of Kerbal Space Program's SSTPO Sector
  16. Welcome to Mission Complete where I post the missions I have done with pictures, tutorials and the craft I use for download. The way the forum works is the earliest missions are towards the start (eg pages 1, 2, and 3) and the missions done nearest to the time of reading are at the back (eg pages 25, 26, and 27). Happy Reading!
  17. I like the new livery but the number change isn't good. I've got 2 model railways currently and a possible third coming along Guten tag. Spreken Deuche (but I can't spell)
  18. Ive tried rendezvousing with a craft in LKO but I was very bad and missed by 100's of KM. But as they say practice makes perfect
  19. @Rocket In My Pocket got any tips for launching the station. Should it be in segments or as a one launch. Plus I've got some pictures of my first orbital craft up there in space (they will be coming soon).
  20. So after only recently joining KSP I have achieved, after 10 hours play time, a stable Kerbin Orbit and a successful deorbit. I am now ready to start launching my first space station.
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