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Everything posted by Flightgames66

  1. Hmmm... Came back to this. I think I'm gonna make chapter 5 pretty soon!
  2. oof thanks for those who joined Well it is about KSP, and it is everyone's discord to share their works and communicate
  3. Hey guys! just wanted to say, join my new Kerbal Space Program Discord page! I will be very active on there. Link: https://discord.gg/Auf6QfU Regards, Flightgames66 aka Cookiedough9 on discord.
  4. have u seen my new chapter yet

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    1. SiriusRocketry


      Chapter Four? Yes.

  5. Hey guys, thank you for all the support I've been getting for this story, today marks one month since the Prologue was released. Here we are with chapter four, and a plot that I'm hoping will bring even more happy readers.
  6. Hey guys, I've decided to make a post in this thread dedicated to my endeavours in KSP. some of these will be featured in my Youtube Channel occasionally. I'll show my missions and craft for them here. Feel free to suggest missions etc.
  7. To those who read my series, I really hope you are enjoying it. You'll find that Chapter Four, coming soon, may be a slight shock, hence, it's called "Devastation". Keep Kerballing? Ugh, Kerbing? Kerbalising? Anyway bye lol
  8. Currently writing Chapter three. I've downloaded a couple of graphics mods to my KSP save, so who would like a video series adaptation of Jebediah?
  9. Thank you everyone, you've been so helpful! I'll be sure to check out some of these.
  10. Hi. I'm a player of KSP. I have just shy of 1000 hours played, I've mastered docking, maneuver nodes and rocket designs, but heres the thing. I can't get to another planet or even one of my orbital facilities. Basically I need help with launch rendezvous, launch windows and orbital rendezvous. Please, can anyone help me with this? Cheers, DJ
  11. Part two is here. As well as NASA budget cuts, i've drawn inspiration from the recent drill hole crisis in the Soyuz and the expedition 57 launch failure.
  12. Well thats something I thought, the budget cuts are a big part of the plot of the series.
  13. Hello, I have decided to make a story. It will be a multiple part story, and its name is Jebediah. The story follows Jebediah Kerman as he embarks on the biggest quest he will ever take part in. Also featured are Valentina, Bill and Bob. Hope you lot are hyped, it's gonna be a pretty good story! PROLOGUE When Wernher Von Kerman published his groundbreaking works on rocket design and orbital mechanics, did he know that he was going to become one of the worlds biggest celebrities? No. He didn't. Did he know that his findings would create the worlds first space agency, KSA? No. He didn't. He had ideas for rockets to be used to give people a new glance at the universe. To, how would one put it? Branch out. In terms of turning Kerbalkind into a space faring civilization. As technology advanced, so did space achievements. the Kerbin Space Race brought many accomplishments; first satellite into orbit, first man in orbit, first space station, even the first landings on the Mun and later, Minmus, Duna and Eve. After that, the public relations boom ended. No one really cared about the space programs around the world. International budgets were lowered and space travel became mostly limited to LKO/KEO travel. The Year is Year 62, and heres where we start. Chapter One: The Last Crew It was another boring launch. Of course, there was a turnout to watch the launch, but it wasn't big. Big turnouts had died off years back. Kerbmerikan Space Station crewed launch 32 was on the launchpad, preparing for takeoff. It could be the very last mission to KSS, as it was far from modern and the alotted budget for the KSA was shrinking every year. MC FLIGHT: "Launch in T minus 5 minutes. You lot good for launch?" KSS 32: "Valentina here, roger." KSS 32: "Bob here, roger." KSS 32: "Bill here, good to go!" MC FLIGHT: "Good to hear you lot are good for launch." MC FLIGHT: "Launching in T minus 4 minutes." MC FLIGHT: "ETHOS, CRONUS, ODIN, ADCO, CATO." MC ETHOS: "Go." MC CRONUS: "Go." MC ODIN: "Go." MC ADCO: "Go." MC CATO: "Go." MC FLIGHT: "Excellent." MC FLIGHT: "T minus 3 minutes." KSS Bill: "Why was Jeb scratched from the mission again?" KSS Val: "He had an important board meeting, since hes on the board. I think its about the heavy budget cuts last week. Half my friends have been fired." KSS Bob: "Sounds about right. Anyway, the KSS awaits!" KSS Val: "Might be the last mission there, this one. I heard rumours that they're re-entering KSS soon." MC FLIGHT: "T minus 2 minutes." MC FLIGHT: "T minus 1 minute." MC: "10, 9, 8, 7, ignition sequence start! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ENGINE IGNITION!" MC: "LIFTOFF! WE HAVE A LIFTOFF!" KSS 32: "We are alright here, G Force is doing us good!" * * * Jebediah: "You can't do this to us! Where do we go if we are fired?" Wernher Von Kerman: "We have no choice, Jeb. They aren't giving us enough money. I BEGGED. " Linus: "I agree with Jeb. Do we just give up on the dream? We need to do something." Wernher: "I'm sorry. My decision is final." The room burst into outrage, people lunging at Wernher. He managed to get out, where he made a swift exit to his office in Administration. Jebediah left the room, feeling worthless. Then, he had an idea... Chapter Two: Jebediah's Plan "Alrighty boys, docking sequence initiate!" Valentina, being a young but talented pilot, was mission commander for KSS Expedition 32. She hit a switch above her, illuminating a docking port about 75 metres away. Her displays lit up with {[Automated Docking: Engaged]}. "Things are looking good!" Said Bill, the mission's engineer. As their LKOCS (Low Kerbin Orbit Crewed Spacecraft) drew closer to the space station, mission control were watching carefully from the KSS' hull cameras to ensure the docking was successful. "Dock in 50 metres. 40. 30. 20. 15. 10. 5,4,3,2,1. Dock complete!" exclaimed a very happy Gene Kerman, having the first good news in days. He had attended the board meeting discussing the recent budget cuts, which would make any Kerbonaut (or retired one) pretty sad. * * * Jebediah Kerman was not an ordinary Kerbal. He had traits that not many kerbals have in high amounts. He was a very smart, imaginative person. The previous day, he'd found out the budget cuts had the chance of dismissing multiple Kerbals, demolishing areas of the Kerbal Space Center and well, pretty much withdrawing Kerbmerika's presence in space. This had given him a very, very crazy idea. So crazy that if he was ever found out he would most certainly be arrested for high treason. His plan was, well, to start a war! "What could go wrong?" He mumbled. His plan would be subtle at first. He would have a trained spy infiltrate the Kussian Federations rocket manufacture plant. He'd have the spy drill a very small hole in one of their craft set to launch within the month. If all went well, it wouldn't be detected until it was too late; when the hole had sucked the majority of the atmosphere out of their space station Величественный орел. The federation would immediately launch an investigation, being lured by a metaphorical breadcrumb trail which would lead straight to the Kerbmerikan armed forces... Chapter Three: Infiltration "Jebediah, Jebediah, old friend! How are you?" Jebediah had set up a meeting with his old friend, Phildorf Kerman. They'd been friends since they were kids, growing up in the same town, near Baikerbanur Space Center. They'd watch the early unmanned rockets of Kerbalkind, engines crackling as they ascended into space with awe. Of course, only one would end up in the astronaut corps; Jebediah. Phildorf was a secret agent. He'd do any job flawlessly, so long as one had the money. "So, what want from me, eh? You didn't call me for reunion! Tell me!" Phildorf questioned. * * * "Infiltrate Krussian Space Agency... Very difficult. But I can do." Phildorf gave a warm hug and a handshake to Jebediah, and he was off. How would he do this? Ah. Fake ID. He'd imitate being a native Krussian, which wouldn't be too hard, considering his thick Krussian accent. He caught a flight to Krussia. The next day, he successfully entered the Krussian Space Agency, as a rocket technician. He casually went into the capsule of the Krussian P-1 Crew Transport, got out his drill, and drilled a miniscule hole, which he then glued shut. A seemingly good seal, but once it entered space, it would become brittle and shatter. If all went to plan, it would cause cracking of the hull, causing an explosive decompression. If they were lucky, they might survive. say they were close to the station when it occured, they could either use their EVA jetpacks to get to safety, or the seal might break at the final moment of docking, causing a huge chain reaction, which could blow the station up as well... Phildorf made a swift exit after covering up his trail and laying a false one. Mission complete. Chapter Four: Devastation It was a sweltering day. Of course summer days are, when you're in a desert. The Krussian Space Agency was launching its P-1 rocket from their space center, Desert Spaceport. Jebediah Kerman was watching the launch, of course from a live broadcast at the Kerbmerikan Space Agency. As the numbers counted down, the low grumble rose to a deafening crackle and roar, as the giant rocket rose. Emblazoned with Космическое агентство (Krussian Space Agency), the P-1 rocket was their pride and joy. It had not experienced a major problem since Year 54. The rocket was now about 1250 m high, when something terrible happened. Something that would shape the history of Kerbals as a species. The rocket suddenly became a fireball, or was it? It seemingly hovered there, a flaming, red ball. It looked like a star, only tiny! Mission control was going crazy. Both. Thats how peculiar this was. Kerbmerikan and Krussian watched closely. Suddenly, a monitor in the Krussian Mission Control Room flashed with some text. {[WARNING: NUCLEAR RADIATION LEVELS: EXTREMELY HIGH]} {[PLASMA LEVELS: CATASTROPHIC]} It exploded. All measurements were acting erratic. There seemed to be a tear. What could cause this phenomenon? Jebediah was utterly shocked. Did Phildorf do this? Was it supposed to do this? What science could this... thing hold? The tear seemed to fall down to the ground. Little did the kerbals know that someone, an intelligent species 7 billion light years away, had commenced a nuclear experiment, which so happened to coincidentally occur when the explosion happened. It caused a rift in spacetime, a wormhole...
  14. Well didn't get many votes but I shall make the one with most votes.
  15. Hey guys I just want your guys opinion on what topic I should make a story on. Top answer will be first, middle second and last third.
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