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  1. I got it through steam, trying a fresh install to see if there are any issues from a clean slate
  2. For the pawns it could be Kerbals or just the MK1 command pod. I like the lander rook idea too. Maybe for the bishop, since they're usually round on the top, a Soyuz model with the orbital, descent, and service mods still attached? EDIT: i guess since its kerbal parts it would be the pea pod or one of the variants with a fuel tank and an engine really, but you know
  3. Kerbal Space Program Interstellar Extended would be my best guess
  4. Hello Fellow Kerbalnauts! I'm a long time player, but a total noob still. Been playing since about 2013, but I never get very far before my cycle of losing interest, then coming back to updates and broken mods and starting over and rinse and repeat. I got back into this cycle earlier this year and really haven't fallen out of it. Figured I would come by and join the community since I lurk here very often as it is. This time I am hoping to see the entire system.... Maybe use some planet packs after that. Anyway, I'll see you guys around the forum!
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