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Everything posted by BMoscato

  1. By animals on an alien planet, do you mean aliens? Joking... I agree, remains of alien cities or civilizations would be cool.
  2. Not true, I wasn't being dramatic nor did I posed a question that I did not expect a response to. I understand that KSP is a sandbox game and part of the fun is creating a vessel that can make the journey to distant planets and explore them for resources and possible habitation. I was questioning the possibility of encountering intelligent life on our journeys to far off planets. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-is-taking-a-new-look-at-searching-for-life-beyond-earth
  3. It would be cool if there were aliens on distant planets in the game where you can interact and gain technology or items.
  4. You are definitely much further along that I am. lol... I'll be happy to just get a satellite in orbit.
  5. BMoscato


    Thanks, this is a great resource.
  6. Welcome back, I'm right there with you after taking a break and relearning everything.
  7. Thanks, I appreciate the offer. I think I'll have a lot of questions in the near future when I can dedicate some time to play.
  8. I just started messing around with KSP again, I've owned it for PC since 2015 and making history since earlier this year... I also have the PS4 version. I was never able to reach the Mun, but I did have a couple of successful orbits around Kerbin.
  9. Thanks, this was a great tutorial, I found it very helpful.
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