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Everything posted by SlinkyMcman

  1. I think I'm taking +50% extra dv, but the reality is more like -50%.
  2. Got back from Gilly, here's a commemorative photo, got 500ish science at 10%, pretty impressive.
  3. What I did this week: Assembled an interplanetary space ship. Maiden voyage, Gilly! Jeb couldn't make it in the picture, but he doesn't mind. Will get a full photo once everyone is on the ground, moving around gilly can be painfully slow. Also I learned that docking ports can be used as krakken drives since a docking port's attraction force works on it's own vessels.
  4. That's per lab, to be fair. Not including camera panning an what not.
  5. Like always I would like an alarm clock, and a docking alignment indicator. If you're gonna be eating all the good mods, you might as well go for the ones that are required.
  6. Daph sets up Duna outpost. 8.7km rover to the habitat.
  7. Assembled my Duna Fleet. Assemble! The assembly crew in the drop pod almost died on re-entry. But found a crystal so I guess it worked out in the end? Nice textures, the ground has curves, pretty fancy. Complements to the lawn mower. Also shadow in first pic, pretty nice.
  8. People have been telling me to check out Kerbal for years, didn’t play Kerbal till I got it from the humble bumble.
  9. 10x all joint strength and get rid of auto struts.
  10. If they have N-body physics you would also need to have a way for crafts to maintain their orbits when not focused. Juggling relays could get real tedious real fast.
  11. I tried to move the refinery a few meters using the sky crane and ended up using the whole thing as a flail. Some how most of the mining equipment and one connection survived the crash on the mining pod. The old Electronics Tower was destroyed, debris 2.5km away. Meet new Tower (properly facing East/West this time) and a nice kerbal corridor for future expansions.
  12. Pictures are worth some words, here is an example for free insertion at Tylo. The correction burn happened as the ship crossed Dres's orbit. Tylo PE is about 1 million meters. I agree with Snark that this is easily the best use of a flyby in stock. Getting a probe to Moho/Low Solar via Eve is also a good use.
  13. It's my understanding that the federation troopers reused the starship troopers armor. I'm not sure where the firefly crew got their suit from.
  14. did someone say bubble helmets? The OG crew can get capes!
  15. Torque in DV info, alarm clock, docking port alignment indicator.
  16. I have same problem, happens more in space than ground. Toggling the Lock on all the robotic parts seems to fix it for that load in. It seems to happen more when the parts are locked, so i've taken to avoid using the lock.
  17. Every time switch to a craft that has its mechanisms locked they freak out. The solution I found is to unlock/relock all the moving parts very tedious.
  18. Sky Crane is success, Minmus refinery is ready for customers.
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