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Everything posted by Dash8466

  1. Hey major Jim, I've been working with vaos on his Solar Nations series a lot the past few months and I kept running into the problem of good bearings on stock propellor aircraft, do you know any good bearing designs?

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    2. Dash8466


      thank you! I'm making stock propellers with all winglets and simple reaction wheels, very low tech.

      I've been trying to get an RCS ball- thermometer bearing working but eventually switched to the stayputnick bearing because it was more robust.

      Do you know of any bearings I could potentially use to get more power out of my engines?

    3. Majorjim!


      To be honest mate Im not the best person to ask I havent played for ages. Post the question on the electric prop thread in the spacecraft exchange there are loads of guys that could help you. Good luck man!

    4. Dash8466


      Thank you so much! love your work btw you really showed us what's possible with Ksp physics

  2. thanks! sorry Im to dumb to just read the thread but I was in a hurry, thank you so much for the easiest robotics mod I found so far!
  3. Wow, love your stuff man! can't wait for release!! Is there any way I could help you with this all? I really like your mod
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