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Everything posted by thenegativehunter

  1. gimmy a link. i'm new to git. also, a question. does sequencer with it work smoothly? sequencer, for me seemed to not be able to handle rotational errors.
  2. personally i figured out they have something to do with KSP parts mechanism. when it recreates something with a changed size it gets buggy. lol, don't listen to them. i will definitely use your mod patches. i will make modifications if i have to which i did but still need some free time for more improvements. i want to make transformers that work conveniently. infernal robotics mod, is going to cause a leap in KSP. there is no doubt in that. imagine the possibilities. with robotic this game goes way beyond what it is now. no other mod can do as much as this mod.
  3. it's because of the engine horizontal rails. they can adjust so it doesn't spin. they go back in high speed flight to keep the craft from spinning and turning into pieces. i also plan to use the spin for reentry for a realistic design. rather than having huge RCS or reaction wheels or huge air brakes. funny thing i plan to turn it into a transformer... with no tricks
  4. this take off looks amazing. i'm planning to add more features to the craft.
  5. well, C# is not much different. it's basically a automatic version of c++. you see when dealing with c++ you have to read a lot specifications to find out overload resolution and excrements. c# has them but they are much simpler. .net has something called property. look into properties for c#, a property is a really awesome thing for managing stuff. i have been working of solving a bug of it during couple of days. but i need the answer of devs on some of them. @Rudolf Meier i have a question regarding the normalZero,invertZero,correction_0 and correction_1 in MoudleIRServo_v3.cs. they seemed to do nothing but cause issues. i didn't see them offer any functionality. do you know anything about them?
  6. it doesn't make sense to let electricity go. but it makes sense to let you choose what you want to be infinite, after all when the game loads, it has the list of all it's possible resources
  7. currently when i attach visual studio to the game, it doesn't detect any game mod dll to be loaded. it detects dlls but most of them are system related. so i can't debug mods in a efficient way. now i have to add debugging features to the mod itself to be able to contribute to the mod. please use some sort of a standard loader for the game that visual studio can detect. it will be awesome if one can debug mods in that way. of course the game should be able to handle break points, so if there is any system-date related stuff, they need to be kept in check to not be used in something important that causes weird stuff to happen.
  8. source codes are available for download. but there is no way around it but to learn to compile a mod. c# library linkings are much simpler, and if you know c# ( i think any managed language will do ) you will be able to write a mod. but to understand other mods which are usually written in c#, you need to know c#. i think if you know as much as properties, you will be good to go
  9. I have been trying to build a VTOL craft. since OPT is bugged for newer versions i didn't use it. i used other mods. and rotations of this mod is bugged, dockrotate had better control bug i ended up having to scale down the entire craft because it's components weren't that strong. BUT, those rails, ... use rails to adjust the engines taking them a little front or back. you can adjust them to prevent unwanted rotation. you can adjust them to intentionally get rotation for re entry. the rails, can create a carge vertical ramp if stacked, without having to use tail. it's just awersome. https://imgur.com/a/m86gU2c i want to contribute to this mod to solve the control bugs, but i don't have the time to learn all about modding. can anyone point me in a direction? for example were is the part of the source code where the rotate-move commands are managed?(doesn't matter, i found out it's c# pretty easy to handle)
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