I noticed that on 1.5.x the mk1 pod has a new variant with the name of "mk1pod_v2", and the config needs to be edited.
Paste the following to the KSA/IVAUpgrade/Patches/Mk1_Pod.cfg file
@storedStrings = v 1.3.0|06.07.2015| Mk1 Cockpit | Mk1 ||KSA-A1|MK1| KSA, JSI, A.S.E.T. & Squad
@name = mk1PodCockpitKSA
name = RasterPropMonitorComputer
storedStrings = v 1.1.0|06.07.2015| Mk1 Cockpit | Mk1 ||KSA-A1|MK1| KSA, JSI, A.S.E.T. & Squad
@name = mk1PodCockpitKSA
This should fix it for 1.5.0+