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Turbo Ben

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  1. Do I remember HarvestR saying Kerbals were originally made of tin foil or something? So, on the theme of metallic, what about cute/goofy robots? Pretty sure T2 would have a hard time saying they were anything like Kerbals. Would be a good excuse as to why life support wouldn't be needed and why they don't age on a 100 year interstellar flight
  2. Indifference/apathy. It was obvious early on that KSP2 fell way short of where it should have been. I stopped playing 10 seconds in to 0.1.3 when I realised what little joystick functionality I had was gone. Was angry for a while but the KSP2 debacle gave me a new appreciation for KSP1. After that I've just been following what was happening waiting for the time to jump back in to KSP2. That time never came. The only thing I'm left with is a desire to never purchase anything linked to T2 again. That'll save me more than I wasted on KSP2 so thanks T2, I guess.
  3. If it's not an argument you accept, why did you use it? I thought KSP2 was dead after 5 minutes in 0.1.3 (haven't opened the game since). I don't need a document or a statement from T2 or any other evidence to confirm it. But I am not God, so me believing it's dead does not make it official. Only T2, PD or IG can do that. The word "officially" has a clear definition. I happen to think that the meaning of words is important. I understand if English is not your first language, but to say the game is "officially dead" is an objectively false statement. Anyway, not getting dragged any further into an off topic discussion. KSP2 is dead, I'll leave it at that.
  4. Doesn't change the fact that it's not official until you have the death certificate. I dealt with my fathers estate after he passed away a couple of years back. Didn't matter that I knew he had passed, I couldn't do anything without the official document.
  5. This happened to me about 3 years ago when my father passed away. He raised me as a single parent, and I'm an only child, so everything passed to me. Closer to £200K after I sold the house. I'd been investing a bit on the stock market before he passed. I seemed to be doing well so, after buying a new car, invested most of the money there. I made the decision to retire (I was 41 at the time) and hope to make enough to live on. Most of the money is in a stocks and shares ISA now, so don't have to worry about income tax or capital gains tax. So far, even through the turbulence of the last few years, all seems to be working as planned. Honestly, my financial situation hasn't changed a great deal. I have more wealth, but the money I live on is about the same. The big difference obviously is that I don't have to work any more.
  6. I've been quiet on the current situation, mainly because I saw this coming over a year ago. I haven't opened KSP2 in over a year and apathy set in soon after, but I have put another 200+ hours into KSP1. KSP2 is dead. It was dead before it released into EA, or more accurately, was released into EA because it was dead. T2 scammed us out of $50 with no intention of ever completing it. The game is a money pit. T2 won't spend any more on it and no one else would want it even if they gave it away. I want a refund. I won't get one (that's not how scams work) so I will do the only sensible thing and never buy anything from T2, or anyone assosciated with T2, ever again. I learned a lesson from the money I wasted on KSP2 and have already saved as much by not getting Cities: Skylines 2. I'll save further on GTA6 and much more on future games I won't be buying. Honestly, it seems to me that the gaming industry is in crisis. We can't have a big release without some form of controversy, at least not the games I pay attention to. KSP2 left such a bad taste in my mouth I haven't bought a game since. I've gone back to older stuff (currently enjoying the Fallout 4 nexg gen update). The only game on my radar right now is Kit Hack because it looks like fun and HarvesteR said in the Matt Lowne interview that if it was successful he may consider another rocket game next. Who knows, maybe he will be able to buy back the Kerbal IP, T2 have destroyed any value it currently has.
  7. I've been out since 0.1.3 released and broke joystick control. Haven't even tried For Science! so don't know what state the game currently is in. I'll be back when HOTAS support is there and if the bugs are fixed, I'll probably play for a while. Until then modded KSP1 is keeping me entertained just fine.
  8. I use the Trajectories mod with KSP1. It does a good job of predicting your trajectory through atmosphere and where your impact ... I mean landing site will be. It takes into account planet rotation and also adjusts as you change orientation and/or drag (I use airbrakes on my returning rockets to slow down and for fine tuning the landing location). It's not perfect, took a few attempts at first, but now I'm able to land most of my craft within a Km of the KSC, though I haven't managed to nail the launchpad yet. Something like this would be a great addition to KSP2, espescially if we are going to need to do precision landings when colonies are introduced.
  9. Yes. When coming off rails everything teleports 0.1m in the air before falling back to the ground. I checked with a different mining base I have on Minmus and that does it too, along with a rover there. The only thing that doesn't seem to do it are Kerbals themselves. The 0.1m hop when coming off rails isn't a problem for anything other than the ground anchor. Yes, I deleted everything and re-downloaded KSP and just installed parallax and it's dependancies. The only things I kept from the first clean install were the settings file and the quicksave on the Mun. I suspect the 0.1m hop is a feature of parallax to stop collider issues when coming off rails. It's must be there for a reason, it just borks the ground anchor. I've left a post on the parallax thread with a link here, hopefully gameslinx can give some advice. I don't think it's this. I designed the mining rig to have as few parts as possible (about 12, including that scaled TriAlpha reactor I was having problems with). I've also since moved the rover well out of range. PC is very high spec too, I never see a yellow or red clock unless using 3x or 4x physics warp in atmosphere. Still, I can check easily by also moving the lander craft out of range which will just leave the mining rig and ground anchor. Edit, confirmed. There is still drift with just the mining rig and ground anchor in scene. 14 parts in total. It's very subtle, about 1 cm/s, but enough to move the base out of position over time. (this was tested on my fully modded game) As an aside, the 0.1m hop is also stopping my KSPIE mining drills as they shut down when the vessel is not landed.
  10. @Gameslinx Hi I've been trying to resolve a problem I was having. After some investigating it appears to be parallax that is causing the issue. I'd be grateful if you could take a look at the above thread. Thanks.
  11. Progress. Installed the following mods: Kopernicus + dependancies Community Fixes ---- This actually seemed to improve the jumping when coming off rails even further. Joint Reinforcement Recall Restock Tweakscale Tech tree + Hide empty nodes Restock+ Tweakscale companion for Restock+ KSPIE Scatterer Parallax ------- Bingo! On installing parallax, the 100mm jumps and repeated lifting of the ground anchor started. Reinstalled fresh KSP keeping just settings and save game file. Installed only parallax and dependencies and again, ground anchor lifts every time I come off rails. That's an issue. Parallax is an amazing mod that i don't think I could play without. The only other option so far is to regularly tweak the save game to reset the altitude of the ground anchor.
  12. @Lisias Thanks for taking a look at this for me. My craft does not have legs or wheels. The mining base originally sat on the surface on a 2.5m kspie ISRU module. I later added a large docking port to the bottom so I could dock to a ground anchor. It's designed to be landed at a very specific location. Once in position, the lander disengages and returns to kerbin. The mining base is left with no propulsion so cannot be moved once the lander detaches. This is why even a tiny amount of surface drift is an issue for me. I had several craft at the landing site, including the mining rig, a rover, the deployed ground anchor, a spare docking port and a dropped EVA pack. So there were 3 one part "craft" in the area. Everthing jumps 100mm in the air when coming off rails. The ground anchor when first deployed falls back to the ground the same as everything else, but after a save/load cycle or scene change, this no longer happens. The ground anchor continues to jump up every time it comes off rails and, because it no longer falls back, gets higher and higher of the ground. The following is on a clean install (wow, I forgot how much mods add to the game!) Landed a similar craft in about the same place as in my modded game. I noticed drift, but realised it was because I had SAS on which was fighting the very tiny incline I was on (I'm now wondering whether this is what was causing the drift in the first place, I need to check that when I get my modded game running again). As for the craft jumping when coming off rails - it still does it but not as much as in the modded game. Maybe a 50mm jump rather than 100mm. Suggests this is maybe being caused by a mod. I'm going to start adding mods to the game to see which one causes it. The ground anchor I tested is also behaving much better. When first deployed, it will jump slightly and then fall back to the surface. After saving and reloading, it jumps off the surface very slightly and no longer falls back to the ground. However, it also doesn't jump every time it comes off rails, so stays in place. So it looks like a mod is also affecting the behaviour of the ground anchor. I docked the mining rig to it and everything seems to work fine. Next step is to start adding mods until the misbehavior starts. I'll post back after.
  13. I tried to set up a Mun mining base on flat ground but it slowly drifted accross the surface. As a solution I tried using a Stamp-O-Tron ground anchor with a docking port attached, and land my base on the docking port. Worked perfectly with no drift, until I noticed a problem. On scene load or exiting time warp, all craft jump about 100mm in the air. Problem is the anchor stays there and doesn't fall back down. This repeats with the anchor getting higher until it is meters off the ground. When the anchor is first placed, it does fall back down. After a scene change or save/load, it doesn't. In my save file, the anchor has a setting called "skipGroundPositioning" which is set to false. When set to true it stopped the 100mm jump, but reverts to false after a scene change. So, I have several routes to a solution: 1> Fix the drifting issue (best solution but I think this is a quirk of KSP) 2> Stop the skipGroundPosition setting reverting to false. 3> Get the anchor to fall back to the ground like everything else does. 4> Stop all craft jumping 100mm. I think the jump is stock behaviour as I removed most of the mods that might cause it. Any suggestions would be welcome, I've been trying to set this base up for days now!
  14. That's great, happy I could help you find the problem. And nicely done! A solution found within 12 hours of me raising the issue, I'm impressed! It was everything working in sandbox that led me down the techrequired route. Thankfully I haven't noticed the issue with any other parts (yet), but at least I know what to do now. I've kept a copy of the original TriAlpha.cfg file so I can easily test the fix when released. While I'm here, could I offer a feature suggestion? Is it possible to add tweakscale functionality to parts placed into inventories? ie placing a scaled cargo part into inventories scales mass and volume. I've had a couple of occasions where a part that has been scaled right down takes up half of my cargo space. Don't know how difficult it would be to add, or even if it's possible.
  15. @Lisias Edit 2: Please ignore the below issue, I think I found the problem. The config for the tri alpha fusion reactor has tech requirements for each scale. I removed those and now all seems to be working correctly. I seem to be having a scaling issue with a part from KSPie, the Tri Alpha fusion generator. I have 2 scaled generators and I've seen both of them revert to original scale after launch. It doesn't happen straight away and I can't determine a trigger for the problem. I had one attached to a Mun mining rig. It was fine after launch, docking with transfer stage, trip to Mun and landing. I also took along a rover which was docked to the rig. The problem started when I took the rover for a spin. After returning to the mining rig, the generator had reverted to it's stock scale. I noticed that it hadn't changed any scaled capacities (like fuel or electrical capacity) back to stock, just the dimensions. It's a problem becouse it's now blocking the hatch on the command pod (other parts kept their original positions so the generator is now clipped into them.) I've no experience messing with saves, but decided to have a look. I found the generator in the file and noticed that under the tweakscale module, Active and Available were both set to false. Other scaled parts I had were set to true, so I changed them. It fixed the problem but only temporarily. I can load the save and switch to the vessel and the part is the correct size, but if I go to the KSC and then back to the vessel it has reverted to stock scale again. I may be wrong, but it seems like the issue started after the part is loaded while not in focus, ie when I drove my rover back to the mining rig. Not sure though as it was fine after I rendezvoused with the transfer stage. Not sure if this is a known issue. I've checked the last few pages here and can't see anything. I'm also not sure if this is a Tweakscale issue or something with KSPie or recall or any other mod. If you need any further info, let me know. I'm going to do some tests to see if I can determine what the trigger for the problem is. Edit: I've gone back to the first save after launching the mining rig and the problem is now happening with older saves where previously it wasn't. This is before any staging or docking events. I've also tried to recreate the issue on a new sandbox game without any success.
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