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  1. @The Aziz, I didn't want to go into specs and all that but I guess I have to. Not all specs but the ones that matter: nVidia GTX 1060 Intel i7 16GB RAM 512GB SSD Play all games at 1080p because of diminishing returns on performance vs visuals. This is all overkill just to play KSP, or at least it should be. I duplicated issues without mods. Graphic mods make a huge difference, but the mods that have little impact are things like Mecjeb, Kerbal Engineer, and Kerbal Alarm Clock. I've been PC gaming and building computers since 95, troubleshooting others in 96(win95 MS Dos 6.2), and coding/scripting since 97. I'm not new to the nuances that effect game performance. I give credit where it is due and try hard not to be a fanboy. KSP is a great game, but it has some core issues that need to be addressed. You should be able to admit when there is a problem even if it's about something you really like. That's kinda the point of the original post and the video by @ShadowZone.
  2. Bump! I created this account just to comment on this because the game feels broken and @ShadowZone nailed it. I've been playing since 2012ish so I've seen the ups and downs. The physics needs to be fixed, period. There will always be a limit to how many parts you have but this is still something that can be improved upon. Build a basic rocket, no problem. Build a space station with 6000 liquid fuel to send to Duna(as the career mode mission requires) and the game is brought to it's knees. Of course I use mods, but they have little to do with the massive memory usage and physics lag. Simply put, the game is becoming unplayable even stock. This is much more important than new features and content. They just add to the problem. The video refers to this as technical debt, and ShadowZone isn't wrong.
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