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Everything posted by o24UK42o

  1. You can install any combination of those, as long as SM Industries is also installed.
  2. I think it would be neat to have RPM MFDs with BDArmory integration, so the targeting pod and radar and weapon display etc. can be shown on the MFDs. I lack the coding knowledge, so I'm curious to see if anyone with this knowledge would be interested in doing something like this.
  3. What I mean is, the control surfaces are at a different angle than parallel to the ground due to the shape of the wings I'm making. It appears that all elevators and ailerons rotate with respect to the horizontal red axis in the SPH. I need my ailerons to rotate with respect to a tilted axis, like tilted at a 12 degree angle. If anyone is wondering, I'm making a nice looking A-10 Thunderbolt II with RPM and ASET internals. The plane's wings are tilted upwards at an angle, and slightly curved.
  4. Hi, I've been working to create some custom ailerons. I made the model and everything, and in Unity, I have placed everything where they belong. The ailerons function when I'm rolling the plane, but the animation seems a bit off; the ailerons rotate along the wrong axis. I have tried rotating the flapTransform (what I called the transformName in the control surface module), but the rotation axis is not affected. Please help. Thank you. SOLUTION: Looks like the rotation axis for transformName is determined in the 3D model editor, not Unity. Rotating the model in blender so my desired rotation axis was on the x-axis solved the issue for me.
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