I found a workaround to the "Variant: Variant Name" issue.
It is in no way a permanent fix. It has to be done every time you start the game.
I also recommend uninstalling any mods that change the way the parts list is shown.
This includes "Filter Extensions"
While you're in the main menu, open the Debug Menu (Alt + F12)
Go to "Database" and click reload database. Wait until the "Loading..." next to the categories changes back to numbers. This could take a couple minutes if you have a lot of mods.
After that, click reload texts dictionary. A message on the top should come up that it was successful.
You may now right click on all the parts you desire without them glitching out!
Proof and mod list: https://imgur.com/a/iZqV8yj
I have not tested it fully but I have tested it with the retractable rover wheels and the lander can and they are not bugged anymore when I do the above.