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МараТ RU

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  1. Is it possible to make night light on Kerbin in your fashion: - almost like in the afternoon if Moon is at its zenith - and "at least poke your eye out" if there is no Moon? Sorry for my English ; )
  2. I really like your cab. I adore willow. The Mk2 Inline Cockpit and Mk1 Capsule are very good. I found your mod when I was looking for a booth for the Mk1 command module. But it does not work on the KSP 161, since the MK1 capsule was changed to the MK1 command pod. Do you have the opportunity to solve the problem? When I play a full IVA, there is no EVA exit button (Mk2 and Mk1 capsule). As in the cockpit of the ALCOR (alexustas) there is an exit to EVA. Thanks for making great cockpits. Sorry for my English.
  3. It worked. Not enough "Toolbar Controller and ClickThroughBlocker". thank you.
  4. KSP 1.6.1. My english is bad. I really like your mod. thank you. Does not work on KSP 1.6.1
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