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Everything posted by someguyonthecomputer

  1. Modlist player.log (I accidentally booted up the game again after recording the bug hence the -prev prefix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvi_B6UTAZI Reproduction steps: 1) Build the craft (part order doesn't seem to matter) with a SG-RV3 Heatshield, SG-RV1 Return capsule pod, SG-RV2 Parachute and SG-RV4 retro pack 2) Launch the craft (staging in the video is optional) 3) Revert to launch or do something to (presumably) reload the game A smoke plume appears right before the loading screen ends, Heatshield now will lose physics and is said to be on a collision course with Kerbin despite being on the launchpad, and according to Kerbal engineer has a NaN apoapsis and infinity periapsis. The revert to launch issue appears to happen with other probe parts (e.g the Transit 4A with the corresponding Injun 1 and Solrad3/Grab 2 satellites in which they seem to mysteriously decouple and disappear while reloading a quicksave in orbit, however I haven't tested this bug with other parts too much) This bug does not occur on a clean install with purely BDB and its dependencies. EDIT: Uninstalling the mod "Routine Mission Manager" seems to have solved the issue, strangely enough
  2. Recently encountered a strange bug that freezes the game when produced. First I partially assemble the craft per the BDB wiki and launch it, on a revert to launch the craft starts clipping with the nose heatshield and when switching to the aforementioned part the game freezes after a few seconds. Modlist and output log here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P2wXAn9eixqan3vBgAyJqe1bhrhaRb-n/view?usp=sharing Any help is appreciated
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