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16 Good

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  • About me
    Mono-Propellant Specialist
  • Location
    Approx. 0, -75 on Kerbin.
  • Interests
    Launching spacecraft, reading the forums.

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  1. I assume that nothing will logically explain it unless @SQUAD announces what it is.
  2. Do a single stage Jool 5 mission except you can only use mono-propellant.
  3. I think that another gas planet would be a fine addition. I would want a non-spherical space potato moon and an icy moon.
  4. Not to get off-topic, but it was changed to a five-post "thing" (I actually don't know what they call it).
  5. In my opinion, landing should be hard. Like in many adventure games, there is a final boss. Someone/something that is going to take a little more effort to beat. Landing is KSP's final boss for every mission. Taking that away is removing one of the most challenging and exciting parts of the game, watching your ship succeed or be blown to shreds.
  6. That is a nice looking plane! Will it be able to to midair fueling?
  7. I don'y see any reason to criticize this work. It is a very nice drawing!
  8. I continued work on trying to make mono-propellant based rockets while waiting for the major update on Console.
  9. That is one nice rover. I would personally use RTGs, but that isn't as eco-friendly.
  10. What was the maximum amount of FPS you had while focused on the station?
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