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Elroy Jetson

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Everything posted by Elroy Jetson

  1. I guess this is the place to post an accomplishment? i successfully completed the docking tutorial! Didn't think to grab a selfie, darn. I will do that on the first career rescue mission! Elroy
  2. PS4 EE is it possible to save various stages and then open and combine them? In other words, can i build a lander stage and name it lander1 and save it. Then, build the ascent stage and save it as ascent1. now, open the lander1 craft and place it on top of my currently open ascent stage? i think this is possible in the PC version but not sure if I could do this in the console version? thanks! Never mind!, found it! The Triangle on the open craft screen is Merge! Thanks for putting up with me!
  3. This is great info, thanks! I have started to train for this mission by doing the docking mission from the training menu. I hope matching orbits gets easier like it seems the earlier parts did? it seems like the training scenario expects you to NOT make the orbit match (roughly circular) but just get an interception point close? I'll keep working that training missing but at this point I haven't been able to get the interception to less than 10km which doesn't satisfy that step with the instructor. i am eager to learn this maneuver because one of my big goals is as you describe to put refueling stations in orbit around kerbal and the mun.
  4. Thanks for the links and info! I dug into the math today and it is starting to make sense! I enjoy a launch much more now that I can calculate if the rocket will actually leave the pad, and I can calculate if I have enough delta v to make the initial orbit of kerbin. The "subway" delta v map is making sense now, but not totally. So, to land on the mun leaving from KSC, I need 3400, 860, 310, 580 total delta v right? So I add all those numbers to load that much delta v to land on the mun? I recognize that I need to do the individual calculations to account for changing mass due to ejection of primary stages along the route and subsequent mass change. What about getting home? Does it take the same amount to return home? I would guess not since I don't need to lift the weight of anything out of kerbin gravity.
  5. I looking for some help with intermediate rocket design. I have been successful with circular orbits of Kerbin, Mun and even landed and returned from Mimnus. But, I have been able to get to this point only with the design help provided by YouTube videos. I don't mind making adjustments to a basic configuration but for instance I'm trying to modify a saved design that I was able to use to get just Jeb to the Mun and back. Now I am struggling with "my" modified design trying to bring along four passengers. What can I use to help understand how much fuel, weight and thrust I need to make initial orbit, then leave orbit to the Mun, enter orbit...and finally return. At this point I have been adding more fuel, boosters, etc but am still running out of fuel before I make the soi of mun. are there some rules of thumb, or basic designs that provide a starting point? As you have probably guessed I don't understand delta v. I have read about it a bit now, and watched a few videos, but I don't understand it enough to help me solve the above basic problem. thanks!
  6. Guys, thanks again for all the info, really adds value to the gameplay to have a support network. i don't see much in the way of video tutorials that talk about managing the administration building. Are there "strategies " there that I should take or avoid? Do any of these help with kerbal bucks or science? Right now I have activated the unpaid research program and aggressive negotiations but I don't understand the long or short term implications. Elroy
  7. Today I was successful in a polar science orbit of kerbin! Thanks for the tips and suggestions! I picked up about 90 science points during a 1 day orbit, I forgot to try and count how many orbits that was. is there a way in stock KSP to display the multiple path projection map like you see of the ISS? Is this sort of thing even available with mods? I would assume this would be in the tracking station. Thanks, Elroy.
  8. Thanks everyone for all the suggestions/info! I am running the console version so don't have access to the mods but that's okay, I enjoy the information. thanks again for all the help! Elroy
  9. New to the game, I can get into orbit around kerbin, and have done a slingshot around the mun. I'm sure my questions have been discussed here so please point me to those discussions if possible. So, what is the max altitude above kerbin that allows me to gather science from different biomes? Is it possible to do this in orbit or not because 70k is considered high above the planet or a single biome? my next plan is to get into low circular orbit (15k) around the mun, I assume this will have me pass thru multiple choice biomes. So, big most important question is how do I prepare my orbiter to gather science while in orbit around the mun? What I still have trouble with is the sequence or steps for maximizing science. Lets say I take ONLY a temp probe and pressure probe, My pilot will be Jeb. I know I can perform crew reports, activate the experiments, EVA, gather the data. But could someone please be specific on the exact steps and order? I always seem to get errors indicating I have not done something in the correct order. Related to the above orbit, is it possible to setup an orbit that has the planet or mun rotating under the orbiting command module so that with enough orbits I could conceivably pass over every biome on the mun? Not sure I understand this part of an orbit. I am picturing the path like the ISS makes over earth, where each subsequent orbit is shifted east (or is it west?) of the prior pass. i have been watching quill18 and Scott Manley videos and those are a big help but I still don't understand the gathering of science and how to store/save it. I have unlocked the science junior and comm antennas so if that helps I could use those on my planned mission to orbit mun. thanks for any help on these topics! Elroy Jettson
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