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Everything posted by erkha343

  1. It gives KSP a fresh look, I've been wondering if KSP would ever get some more options for those with high end computers.
  2. I went there, sent a probe with Mech-Jeb autolanding, then I landed a Rover, In my opinion it isn't all that flat. Well maybe flat, but it has an inclination of 0.8 degrees from completely flat.
  3. oh, they're vanilla parts? excuse me while I s**t my pants in excitement
  4. Nova, where did you get those retro rockets? I've been looking for them forever :c
  5. I just had to change the internal viwe to GenrericSpace3 If anyone was wondering...
  6. Awesome mod, now my spacecraft look good and can be piloted in a decent manner How do I make a pod 2 seated instead of 1? I edited the .cfg of the Mk1 Cockpit, but it still only has 1 kerbal in it
  7. Can someone explain to me why this and the Nova punch are being held back? What is this licence thingy?
  8. I'm going to hijack this thread and ask why my surface controls are inverted
  9. wohoooooo, 2 man capsules, powered capsules, and soyuz parts
  10. I feel I can't say this enough times, I love the Soyuz like parts, please don't forget them
  11. A gas giant has a gaseous layer, a very deep liquid one, and finally a solid core, you could theoretically land on the solid core, if you don't account for the immense pressures. . .
  12. I'm interested in new parts, and fixes to the parts that we have now :/
  13. Launch satellite into a 5,5* orbit, inclined with Minmus, use Minmus orbits to confirm it's the right angle of 5,5* and not pointing the other way, then time your launch when KSC is lined with the satellite, and launch it in an 85* HDG, until it reaches a 100km orbit, tweak the orbit until it matches 100% the orbit of the satellite, then burn 30-45* ahead of Minmus. * is degrees
  14. Loving the new forums, old red looked very cool, but I like Orbiters take on Mars
  15. first red is way better, the other is just bland...
  16. nope, it\'s on the 3 man capsule from [0.16]
  17. Seems like KSP is being funded by some evil corporations!
  18. Seems like KSP is being funded by some evil corporations =P
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